
Repository of the IEEE CoG24 paper on AIA in Videogames

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This is the repository of the paper ""Hey Players, there is a problem..." On Attribute Inference Attacks against Videogamers", included in the proceedings of the Annual IEEE Conference on Games 2024 (IEEE CoG).

If you use any of our resources, you are kindly invited to cite our paper:

  title={{"Hey Players, there is a problem": On Attribute Inference Attacks against Videogamers"}},
  author={Eisele, Linus and Apruzzese, Giovanni},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Games (CoG)},

We presented our work at the conference on August 6th, 2024.


This repository contains the following relevant files:

  • supplementary.pdf which is a supplementary document that extends our paper by providing more details on our literature review as well as some recommendations we received from some of the communities in which we disseminated our survey.
  • survey_multi-game.pdf which is the "generic" survey we distributed in our user study (anonymised).
  • first.png and end.png which are the first and last "pages" of the survey, showcasing that we revealed our identities and (institutional) contact details, and that we informed our participants of that our user study also entailed attribute inference attacks (at the end of the survey).

Acknowledgements and Authorship

This research was predominantly out by Linus Eisele in the course of his Master Thesis for the MSc. course in Information Systems at the University of Liechtenstein. Hence, most of the credit goes to Linus, who is also the corresponding (and first) author of the paper. For any inquiry, feel free to contact him at: linus.eisele@uni.li

The authors would like to refresh their thanks to all the people who participated in our survey, as well as to all those that provided feedback on our work.