
DYROS JET Humanoid Repository

Primary LanguageC++BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause

DYROS JET Repository

  • This is a DYROS JET Humanoid Repository

How do I get set up?

sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-qt-build ros-kinetic-realtime-tools ros-kinetic-smach-viewer
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone https://github.com/KumarRobotics/imu_3dm_gx4
git clone https://github.com/psh117/rt_dynamixel_msgs
git clone -b 3.6.0 https://github.com/ROBOTIS-GIT/DynamixelSDK.git
git clone https://github.com/saga0619/mujoco_ros_sim.git

RBDL Setup

wget https://bitbucket.org/rbdl/rbdl/get/849d2aee8f4c.zip
unzip 849d2aee8f4c.zip
cd rbdl-rbdl-849d2aee8f4c
mkdir build
cd build
make all
sudo make install
  • If an error occurs, open rbdl-rbdl-[commit]/addons/urdfreader/urdfreader.cc
  • and remove this line
#include <ros.h>

How do I run the simulation?

  • Launch V-Rep
  • Open dyros_jet_new_api.ttt
  • roslaunch
roslaunch dyros_jet_launch simulation.launch
  • If you get an error about the .so file when launching simulation, add the following command to ~/.bashrc
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/lib
  • GUI
rosrun dyros_jet_gui dyros_jet_gui
  • Prepare a simple test (Once)
chmod +x dyros_jet_mission_commander/src/commander.py
  • Run the simple test
rosrun dyros_jet_mission_commander commander.py

About Moveit

  • Install moveit
sudo apt install ros-kinetic-moveit
  • Launch moveit
roslaunch dyros_jet_moveit dyros_jet_moveit.launch
  • Get pointcloud to moveit
rosrun pcl_ros pcd_to_pointcloud ~/example.pcd _frame_id:=odom

if you want new frame of pointcloud,

rosrun tf static_transform_publisher 0 0 0 -1.5708 0 -1.5708 base_link odom2 100

tf static_tranform_publisher x y z α β γ parent_frame child_frame period(milliseconds)

Mujoco Update (19/01/31)

rosrun dyros_jet_gui dyros_jet_gui
  • roslaunch
roslaunch dyros_jet_launch mujoco.launch

How do I contribuite to this repo?