
Ansible playbooks for simulating failure scenarios for your Kafka cluster.

Primary LanguageShell


This repository contains the Ansible playbooks which you can use for:

  • simulating node/rack/dc failures
  • collecting topic-partition metrics such as current leader, preferred leader, ISR count, etc.
  • automatically start a set of consumer and producer, with JMX metrics enabled
  • collecting key client metrics for data quality checks, e.g. how many messages produce vs how many messages consumed


  1. Ansible installed on control node
  2. Specify all the brokers and client hostnames in the hosts.yml. E.g.:









How does it work?

By making use of variables to group specific brokers together in the host.yml file, you will be able to simulate rack and/or DC failures based on those variables.

For e.g.:

ansible-playbook simulate_stop.yml -i hosts.yml -l dc-1

Usage example

Treat the following Ansible playbooks as building blocks for testing your Kafka cluster:

├── collect_clients_metrics.yml
├── collect_metrics.yml
├── simulate_start.yml
├── simulate_stop.yml
├── start_clients.yml
├── stop_clients.yml

See sample_test.sh for a sample bash script to simulate DC failure:


cd "$(dirname "$0")"

#start consumer and then producer
ansible-playbook start_clients.yml -i hosts.yml

#TODO: you can try to do something smarter by searching for an online broker, then use it for collecting metrics
#collect test topic metrics from an online broker 
ansible-playbook collect_metrics.yml -i hosts.yml -l node-1

#simulate failure for dc-1
ansible-playbook simulate_stop.yml -i hosts.yml -l dc-1

echo "sleeping for 1m"
sleep 1m

#TODO: you can try to do something smarter by searching for an online broker, then use it for collecting metrics
#collect test topic metrics from an online broker
ansible-playbook collect_metrics.yml -i hosts.yml -l node-1

#collect producer and consumer metrics
ansible-playbook collect_clients_metrics.yml -i hosts.yml


How does simulate_stop.yml playbook simulate broker failures?

It searches for confluent-server's pid then sends a SIGKILL.

Why is there a custom producer in this repo?

Modification was made to the kafka-producer-perf-test codes to prevent producer from closing when it is done producing all so that JMX metrics can be collected. It also introduces a new argument --deterministic to allow deterministic producer benchmarking, i.e. reading the payload row by row as opposed to randomly.

Why do you need an Ansible playbook just for starting a producer and consumer?

The playbook resets the consumer group offset to the latest, and kills any running test clients to ensure that each test starts with a clean slate. It also copies the custom producer required to your client node.