This module is about object tracking based on Yolov5 algorithm, design by Tai Hoang and Con Muc :v
$ pip install requirements.txt
$ cd yolov5 && pip install -r requirements.txt
$ pip install roboflow
- Specify “weights_path” (onnx weight) and set “view_img” to True if you want to view inference result
- Specify <image_path> and <video_path> to run
- Preapre dataset: get from my kaggle dataset
- Run inference to generate more data:
$ python path/to/yolov5/
--weights path/to/
--img <image_size>
--conf <confidence_score>
--source path/to/source
- source: can be 0, 1 for webcam or image path
- generated data can be slightly different from desired, can use Roboflow to change it manually
- Training:
$ python --img 416 --batch 16 --epochs 100 --patience 25 --weights path/to/ --cache --cfg path/to/yolov5/models/ yolov5n.yaml --data path/to/data.yaml
$ python --img 416 --batch 16 --epochs 100 --patience 25 --weights --cache --cfg path/to/yolov5/models/ yolov5n.yaml --data path/to/data.yaml
Ref: Yolov5
Notebook: Google Colab
- Patience: early stopping after … epochs
- Weights: can be “” if training from scratch (second command); or custom weights (link to download pt weights: ) (first command)
- Cfg: choose yolov5n or yolov5s (weights should be the same model if using custom weights)
- Export to onnx:
$ python --weights path/to/ --include onnx --dynamic --img 416 --data path/to/data.yaml
In this project we use Yolov5 to train a custom model
Link to onnx weights
Link to pt weights