Voice Verification for Zalo AI Challenge 2020.

This repository contains the framework for training speaker verification model described in [2]
with score normalization post-processing described in [3].


pip install -r requirements.txt

Data Preparation

  1. Download the public dataset then put the training speakers data in dataset/wavs and public-test folder in dataset/public-test or from this link
    Structure of dataset: 
    dataset ---- wavs ---- id_00001 ---- id_00001_1.wav
    | |---- id_00001_2.wav
    | |---- id_00001_3.wav
    | \---- ....
    |---- id_00002 ---- ....
    \---- id_....
  2. Convert data (this will overwrite original data) to have all 16kHz
python dataprep.py  --convert
  1. Prepare the augment data
python dataprep.py --augment --aug_rate -1
  1. Generate train, validate list (if ratio == -1, take 3 files for each speaker for validate)
python dataprep.py --generate --split_ratio -1
  1. Transform data to npy format (optional)
python dataprep.py --transform

In addition to the Python dependencies, wget and ffmpeg must be installed on the system.

Pretrained models

Pretrained models and corresponding cohorts can be downloaded from here.


Set cuda usage


then add the device="cuda:5" to args
Phase 1: Train with classification loss (softmax, amsoftmax, aamsoftmax)

!python main.py --do_train \
                --train_list dataset/train.txt \
                --test_list dataset/val.txt \
                --model ResNetSE34V2 \
                --max_epoch 500 \
                --batch_size 128 \
                --nDataLoaderThread 2 \
                --criterion amsoftmax \
                --margin 0.1\
                --scale 30\
                --nPerSpeaker 1 \
                --initial_model checkpoints/baseline_v2_ap.model

Phase 2: Train with metric loss (angle, proto, angleproto, triplet, metric)

!python main.py --do_train \
                --train_list dataset/train.txt \
                --test_list dataset/val.txt \
                --model ResNetSE34V2 \
                --max_epoch 600 \
                --batch_size 128 \
                --nDataLoaderThread 2 \
                --criterion angleproto \
                --nPerSpeaker 2

Or, train with combined loss(softmaxproto, amsoftmaxproto)

!python main.py --do_train \
                --train_list dataset/train.txt \
                --test_list dataset/val.txt \
                --model ResNetSE34V2 \
                --max_epoch 500 \
                --batch_size 128 \
                --nDataLoaderThread 2 \
                --criterion softmaxproto \
                --nPerSpeaker 2 \
                --initial_model checkpoints/baseline_v2_ap.model

Note: the best model is automaticly saved during the training process, if the initial_model is not provided, automaticly load from the best_state weight if possible. OR using config file (.yaml format)

!python main.py --do_train --augment --config config.yaml


  1. prepare cohorts
!python main.py --do_infer --prepare \
                --model ResNetSE34V2 \
                --test_list dataset/val.txt \
                --cohorts_path checkpoints/cohorts_resnet34v2.npy \
                --initial_model_infer exp/ResNetSE34V2/model/best_state.model
  1. Evaluate and tune thresholds
!python main.py --do_infer --eval \
                --model ResNetSE34V2 \
                --test_list dataset/val.txt \
                --cohorts_path checkpoints/cohorts_resnet34v2.npy \
                --initial_model_infer exp/ResNetSE34V2/model/best_state.model


!python main.py --do_infer --eval --config config.yaml
  1. Run on Test set
!python main.py --do_infer --test \
                --model ResNetSE34V2 \
                --cohorts_path checkpoints/cohorts_resnet34v2.npy \
                --test_threshold 1.7206447124481201 \
                --test_path dataset \
                --initial_model_infer exp/ResNetSE34V2/model/best_state.model


!python main.py --do_infer --test --config config.yaml
  1. test each pair(to get the predict time of each pair):
!python main.py --do_infer --test_by_pair \
                --model ResNetSE34V2 \
                --cohorts_path checkpoints/cohorts_resnet34v2.npy \
                --test_threshold 1.7206447124481201 \
                --test_path dataset \
                --initial_model_infer exp/ResNetSE34v2/model/best_state.model


[1] In defence of metric learning for speaker recognition

    title={In defence of metric learning for speaker recognition},
    author={Chung, Joon Son and Huh, Jaesung and Mun, Seongkyu and Lee, Minjae and Heo, Hee Soo and Choe, Soyeon and Ham, Chiheon and Jung, Sunghwan and Lee, Bong-Jin and Han, Icksang},

[2] Clova baseline system for the VoxCeleb Speaker Recognition Challenge 2020

    title={Clova baseline system for the {VoxCeleb} Speaker Recognition Challenge 2020},
    author={Heo, Hee Soo and Lee, Bong-Jin and Huh, Jaesung and Chung, Joon Son},
    journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2009.14153},

[3] Analysis of score normalization in multilingual speaker recognition

    title = {Analysis of Score Normalization in Multilingual Speaker Recognition},
    author = {Matejka, Pavel and Novotny, Ondrej and Plchot, Oldřich and Burget, Lukas and Diez, Mireia and Černocký, Jan},
    booktitle = {Interspeech},
    year = {2017}