
An example app using Rust + Helix + Rails

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Morrissey Chat Room

What is this?

There's a fairly new idea called Helix that's making waves in the Rust and Ruby communities. This is mainly because the extension allows for C-like extension behavior by leveraging Rust to make Ruby / Rails applications faster.

This is useful for a couple of reasons, but I wanted to check out how everything actually works. As a mutation of their original tutorial on the extension, I decided to see what it would be like to create a "chat bot" of sorts that had the personality of Morrissey (of the Smiths).

What Features Are In It?

Right now, just a simple form that allows you to interface with the chat bot. The page reloads every time you make a query, so extending this to become a client-side chat application would be pretty neat.

Dependency Information

  • Rails 5.1
  • Rust Nightly

Deploying This

If you're rolling with Heroku, this process is fairly straightforward:

  1. Create the Heroku application - heroku create
  2. Add the Rust Buildpack (order is important here)heroku buildpacks:add https://github.com/hone/heroku-buildpack-rust
  3. Add the Ruby Buildpack - heroku buildpacks:add heroku/ruby
  4. Push to your heroku origin - git push heroku [branch]