
Tutorial on learning Heroku's YML Docker system with Node + React

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Heroku YML Node + React Tutorial

Currently found at: https://quiet-reaches-40976.herokuapp.com/

This is a quick walkthrough of how to get a containerized Node app up and running on Heroku.

Breaking down the heroku.yml file

Heroku offers a containerization service that allows users to specify configuration aspects of Heroku - along with a provided Dockerfile - to build out their Docker app on Heroku. This manifest is pushed up to Heroku and built into a containerized app.

There are a lot of use cases and potential possibilities for using heroku.yml, but I want to break down what it would look like for a Node + React app that's included in this project:


    - plan: heroku-postgresql
      as: DATABASE
    web: Dockerfile
    NODE_ENV: production
  web: npm start

The setup phase in our example is only specifying which add-ons we want our Heroku app to use. In this case, its a straightforward heroku-postgres instance.

The build phase specifies two things: the docker image locations for each web process and the configuration that relates to the build process.

The run phase is the closest thing to a Procfile that containerized apps have. It specifies what each process in a containerized app looks like. For our example, we're just telling it what the web process looks like.

React via Create React App

We'll be leveraging the create-react-app project for this tutorial to create an efficient React app with little to no scaffolding required.

Upon downloading this project, you simply can run yarn to install dependencies followed by npm start to trigger the server.

Client Backend via Express

Coming soon.

Deploying to Heroku

Its suggested that you have Docker installed on your local machine to properly test out images. However, since Heroku builds the images based off heroku.yml and the Dockerfile here, it isn't necessary.

First and foremost, we'll want to create an app instance on Heroku:

heroku create

Next, we'll set the stack of our applicaiton to be a container

heroku stack:set container

We then can push and build our application on Heroku via:

git push heroku master

We'll use this command for all future pushes to deploy code.