
Service which provides encrypted file sharing. The files are encrypted before the files get uploaded to the webserver thus even the server operator cannot see your files.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


EncryptedFileSharing is a minimal file sharing service which allows users to share files which are encrypted before being uploaded. As a result, even the server operator cannot see the unencrypted content. EncryptedFileSharing uses mainly Go and Javascript.

Demo of EncryptedFileSharing

EncryptedFileSharing is...

  • secure 🔒 - in the background AES-256 is being used to encrypt files. AES-256 is a military-grade encryption and is being used to encrypt the most sensible data in the US government. I am not saying that it is unbreakable - but I think it is very secure after all.
  • flat - you do not need a SQL-Server in the background or an AWS-Account. In fact, you don't even need to install a webserver, since one is already shipped with EncryptedFileSharing itself (although we recommend it).
  • minimal - there is no admin interface, automatic file deletion or even a file limitation. EncryptedFileSharing shall be up and running within a very short amount of time. The administration overhead should be minimal.
  • open for contributions ⛑ - there are many things which can be improved right now. There is no progressbar when uploading, encrypting or decrypting files, nor a very nice user experience. If you want to help -- feel free to contribute.
  • built on the shoulders of giants - this project uses Crypto-JS, is hugely inspired by send and upload.vaa.red. Furtheremore, huge thanks to topaco on stackoverflow and of course Bootstrap.

What are typical use cases?

  • share private files with others without having to use any external tools for en- and decryption, e.g. credentials
  • share files among devices without worrying that external parties can have a look into them, e.g. your payroll
  • encrypt on the go. EncryptedFileSharing works on your mobile phones, too.

How to get started?

Most simple case - Go already installed

In the most simple case you already have go installed:

  1. Clone this repository (git clone https://github.com/hija/EncryptedFileSharing.git)
  2. Go into the backend directory and run efs-server.go (cd EncryptedFileSharing/backend && go run efs-server.go)
  3. Head over to http://localhost:8080/ and try it out :) (I recommend using a small file, e.g. a text file, first)

Full tutorial for Amazon AWS:

  1. Create a new EC2 instance (t2.micro is fine) with Amazon Linux 2 and add you ip for all tcp incoming connections in the security group
  2. Run the following commands on the server:
        sudo yum install golang git -y
        git clone https://github.com/hija/EncryptedFileSharing.git
        go get -u github.com/Terry-Mao/goconf
        cd EncryptedFileSharing/backend && go run efs-server.go
  1. Go to http://[YOUR-AWS-IP]:8080/ and try it out :)

Using nginx as frontend server