Personal solutions in C to the exercises from Real-World Algorithms by Panos Louridas (not me).
Paraphrased assignments and notes on implementation are below.
There are size_t, double, and char versions - used by exercises 1.2, 1.3, and 1.4, respectively. There is also a generic version.
A comment in one of the files details the Stock Span Problem. libcurl is used to download real stock market data from Alpha Vantage, which requires a free API key. A shell script profiles the algorithms with Callgrind.
1.3 Write an RPN calculator.
1.4 Write a program to determine whether a sequence of open/close delimiters such as (){[](){}}
is properly matched.
Each node in the list contains a void pointer to data, instead of the data itself, so that the list is generic.