
Binance cash-and-carry arbitrage bot

Primary LanguagePython


Binance arbitrage bot - opportunity detector & automated trading for cash-and-carry arbitrage


1. Arbitrage Process

  1. Repeated detection for trading opportunity
  2. Open positions:
    1. Open long in Spot account
    2. Universal account transfer:Spot account -> COIN-M Account
    3. Open short in COIN-M account
  3. Close positions:
    1. Close short in COIN-M account
    2. Universal account transfer:COIN-M account -> Spot Account
    3. Close long in Spot account

2. Scripts

  • Config.py:Account & multiplier information
  • BinanceArb.py: Arbitrage bot for Binance
  • Logger.py:Logger configuration
  • detect_spread.py:Spread detection
  • basis_trading.py:Open/Close positions

Getting Started

1. Install Prerequisites

  1. Install CCXT:
    1. conda create -n binance_arb python=3.8
    2. pip install ccxt
    3. pip install urllib3==1.25.8
    4. Check whether installation is successful:
import ccxt
exchange = ccxt.binance()
data = exchange.fetch_ticker(symbol='BTC/USDT')
  1. Install other required packages, such as pandas, coloredlogs

2. Fill in Hyperparameters for Arbitrage Bot

  1. Fill your api key and secret in Config.py
  2. Change the hyperparameters in detect_spread.py
  3. Change the hyperparameters in basis_trading.py

3. Execute Arbitrage

Run the following command in terminal:

# Spread detection
python detect_spread.py

# Arbitrage trading
python basis_trading.py --coin 'BTC' --future_date '221230' --amount 1000 --threshold 0.02

# Hyperparameter settings:
    --coin                 Trading Target
    --future_date          expiration date for delivery contract
    --coin_precision       price precision (decimal points)
    --slippage             slippage (proportion of crypto price)
    --spot_fee_rate        commission rate for spot
    --contract_fee_rate    commission rate for contract
    --max_trial            maximum trial for stable connections
    --amount               trading amount for one iteration
    --num_maximum          maximum execution numbers
    --threshold            opening/closing threshold

Adjust hyperparameters for your need.


The code is well-organized for further extention to OKX, bitfinex, etc.

But take care of the following information before employment:

  1. Open universal account transfer for your API
  2. Check your multiplier for coin-margin
  3. Check your trading fee
  4. TimeInForce: choices for placing orders
    • GTC - Good Till Cancel
    • IOC - Immediate or Cancel
    • FOK - Fill or Kill
    • GTX - Good Till Crossing
  5. Internet connections and error handling

Real Trading Demo

Account Transfer

Close Positions