Toy web browser and OS in Rust ("sabi" in Japanese) = WasabiOS
- Implement a toy OS with just enough features to run a separate toy web browser binary
- Provide sufficient inline comments to explain what the code is doing for beginners
- No external crates (except non-runtime code: e.g. dbgutil)
- Render beautifully with a toy browser
- Support some physical x86_64 machine and QEMU
- Keep the code simple as much as possible
- Replace the Linux kernel (of course it's too difficult, at least for now ;)
- Support all the hardwares in the wild (it's too hard)
rustup --version && \
make --version && \
clang --version && \
qemu-system-x86_64 --version && \
echo "This machine is ready to build WasabiOS!"
can be installed via:
can be installed with:sudo apt install make
can be installed with:sudo apt install clang
can be installed with:sudo apt install qemu-system-x86
bash # to reload environment variables
zsh # to reload environment variables
make run
make internal_run_app_test INIT="app_name_here"
make run MORE_QEMU_FLAGS='-nographic'
make run MORE_QEMU_FLAGS="-d int,cpu_reset --no-reboot" 2>&1 | cargo run --bin=dbgutil
make run MORE_QEMU_FLAGS="-d int,cpu_reset --no-reboot" 2>&1
tshark -r log/dump_net1.pcap
(qemu) info usbhost
Bus 2, Addr 37, Port 3.2.1, Speed 5000 Mb/s
Class ff: USB device 0b95:1790, AX88179
(qemu) device_add usb-host,hostbus=2,hostport=3.2.1
make commit
After installing GitHub CLI and Docker, run:
# Check if Docker works without root
docker run hello-world
# Install act extention
gh extension install
# Run
gh act
# Run without docker pull (useful when uprev the container)
gh act --pull=false
Try uninstalling all the toolchains installed and make
again to install the desired version, with this:
rustup toolchain uninstall `rustup toolchain list | cut -d ' ' -f 1`
Also, it is possible that your neovim installation is outdated.
FYI: hikalium is using this version of neovim.
hikalium, d0iasm