
Programming Language for my studies about Common Lisp and stack machine

Primary LanguageCommon Lisp

Liang Programming Language


To build this project, please refer to ./build.sh. Here is the way to build it on roswell.

There is some sample codes in ./ExampleCodes.


./liang <Command> <Args1> <Args2> ...


To compile the examples...

./liang compile ./ExampleCodes/fib.liang ./ExampleCodes/fib.lvm

And then, liang-compiler generates a compiled liang-program. To execute it...

./liang run ./ExampleCodes/fib.liang

You can do these process in the same time by using scr command.

./liang scr ./ExampleCodes/fib.liang

Here is the list of another command.

eval <Liang Code>
disasm <Liang Source Code File>  ; it displays the lvm data (lvm is compiled liang code)
time <Liang Source Code File>    ; it measures executing time.
profile <Liang Source Code File> 


In Liang, the first-class object is a function. All features is based on lambda-expressions.

Define functions

Use lambda-expression.

a = { "Hello World" };
print(a()); #=> Hello World

a = (text){ text };
print(a("Hello World")); #=> Hello World

To describe it simply, you can do it in this way too.

a(text) = { text };
print(a("Hello World"));

In the special condition of been defined two-argument functions, it can be used as a operators too.

# In ./ExampleCodes/sum.liang

! = (a, b){
  if(a equals b, { a }, { a + !(a+1, b)});

# Calling !, as a function or operator.

print(1 ! 10);
print(!(1, 10));

conditional branch

You can use if or when. Both of them are implemented as a just function not a syntax.

if(condition, then, else)

when(condition, then)

For example

text = readline();

if(text equals "A", { print("you said A") }, { print("you didn't say A") });

when(text equals "A", { print("you said A") });

(In addition: Programs being just one-line in lambda, you can omit a semicolons. However, if programs is sequentially, you have to append a semicolons.)



Structures is implemented by macro features and is just working as array.


Use Common Lisp

use eval_in_commonlisp(source)


eval_in_commonlisp("(+ 1 1)")


MacOS Monterey (ver 12.0.1)
SBCL 2.0.2