Hey there, I'm Alexander Hi icon


Rotating star About Me

Coding Cat

🔭 I’m currently working on AI, Computer Vision, Deep Learning projects;

🌱 I’m currently learning MLOps, Competitive Programming, React JS, Backend Development with Python and Go;

👯 Open to collaborate;

⚡ What I like to do: Read 📕, Board Games 🎲, Music 🎧, Pet my Cat 🐱;

📫 How to reach me: GMail Telegram leetcode

Tech icon Tools & Technologies

Programming Languages

ML Stack

Frontend Development

Backend Development


Preferred Dev Environment

💻 Some Projects

Repository Languages Description
leetcode C++ / SQL LeetCode Accepted Solutions
cses C++ CSES Accepted Solutions
movies-explorer-frontend JS/HTML/CSS Web-Developer Course Diploma
movies-explorer-api JS Web-Developer Course Diploma
gophkeeper Golang Advanced Go Developer Diploma
gophermart Golang Go Developer Diploma
foodgram Python/JS/CSS Python Developer Diploma

Stats icon Github Statistics

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Connect with me:

email telegram leetcode

Credits: hikjik

Last Edited on: 14/02/2023