
Backend for the Hikma Health EHR System

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Hikma Health

Hikma Health Admin Application

The Hikma Health platform is a mobile electronic health record system designed for organizations working in low-resource settings to collect and access patient health information. The repository contains the backend code that communicates with the Databae and ensures only authenticated users have access. Additional functionality can be added, along with updating the correct migration files.

The platform is designed to be intuitive and allow for efficient patient workflows for patient registration, data entry, and data download. You can see a user demo here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ssBdEPShWCu3ZXNCXnoodbwWgqlTncJb/view?usp=drive_link

For more comprehensive documentation visit: https://docs.hikmahealth.org/


This main branch has now become the default branch - migrating away from the master branch. This branch is a complete re-write of the old branch to include core dependency upgrades, api structure updates, and a refactor to reduce technical debt and improve organization. Migrating to this branch should be easy and painless - file an issue if this is not the case.

If you have a local clone, you can update it by running the following commands.

git branch -m next main

git fetch origin

git branch -u origin/main main

git remote set-head origin -a

If you are stuck for more thatn 10 minutes, please file an issue and our team can help you figure it out 🚀. No issue is too small.

MIT License

Deploy the project quicly by clicking on one of these services:

Deploy to Render

Deploy to DigitalOcean

Get started locally

Clone the project

  git clone git@github.com:hikmahealth/hikma-health-backend.git

Go to the project directory

  cd hikma-health-backend

Create a new virtual environment to avoid conflicts and global polution of your system

  # you can change the virtual environment folder from venv to anything you like
  python3 -m venv ./venv

Activate your virtual environment

  source ./venv/bin/activate

  # if windows use the following:
  # <venv>\Scripts\activate.bat

Install the requirements from the the requirements.txt file

  pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Start the server

  # This creates the migrations

  # This starts the service

  # IF there are no errors, you can visit: http://localhost:8000/ to see "Welcome to the Hikma Health backend."

Your service will start on the port specified or port 8000 by default.

To connect to a database, there are 2 options:

Option 1: Easy, Simple and Recommended Method

  • Spin up a free managed database on a service like render.com (recommended)
  • (optional) Download the latest version of PGAdmin, and add your DB credentials to it. This gives you a nice interface to manage your data directly.
  • Create a new file: .env. in this file add a DATABASE_URL key and value. You get this from render.com. Look at the .env.example file for examples. MAKE SURE YOU NEVER COMMIT YOUR PERSONAL .env file

Option 2: Interesting (and possibly treacherous) Method

  • Install PostgreSQL on your local computer
  • Set up users with appropriate permissions
  • Create a new file: .env (or .env.local). in this file add a DATABASE_URL key and value. You get this from render.com. Look at the .env.example file for examples. MAKE SURE YOU NEVER COMMIT YOUR PERSONAL .env file

This option is better if you wish to do most of your deployment offline, or are running earlier version of this project. For everyone else, Option 1 is highly recommended.

Option 2 is interesting and potentially challenging because a few things can go wrong during the installation of PostgreSQL due to your local computer set up, and connecting from a physical device to your server can have its own additional steps.

For anyone in a hurry to get things to work so that they can focus on customizations needed for the deployment, use Option 1. As a bonus, it gets you more comfortable with the service that will host your main deployments


Environment Variables

To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variable to your .env file


This variable holds a link to the backend (server) which connects to the database.This file is by default already ignored in the .gitignore file, make sure it remains there.


Technology Stack


To create a migration (after activating your virtual environment):

alembic revision -m "[Insert your change sentence summary here]"


Features on the roadmap represent the vision for the admin portal over the coming versions, but none are guaranteed. If there is a feature you would love to see supported, open a feature-request / issue with more details and we can prioritize features with the most requests.

  • Improve backup functionality for self-hosted options (not recommended - use a managed database service)
  • Remove all transition code from previous deployment (all old code now lives in oldhikma folder for reference. This will be deleted soon.)
  • Add documentation for fully hosted solutions like render.com
  • Improve test coverage
  • Add docs to deploy button customization
