
Pokemon Dashboard

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Home / List Page

Show pokemon list

  • Pagination / Infinite scroll
  • Fetch from API
  • Show total owned on each pokemon
  • Save on localstorage
  • Pokemon detail page on click
  • Router redirect

Detail page

  • Show : picture, moves, type, additional info
  • Button : catch pokemon (random 50% probability)
  • Give nickname to pokemon
  • Save Pokemon data to localstorage
  • Add validation on nickname so its unique

My Pokemon list page

  • Show data from localstorage
  • Show list of pokemon, owned only
  • Show this as list, with all owned pokemon with nickname showed
  • Remove/release pokemon from owned if they're useless (lol)

Additional details

  • Use Graphql with Apollo
  • Check lighthouse report
  • Deploy on static server

Design plan

  • Use mobile first UI/UX
  • Collor pallete :
    • Orange Peel FF9F1C
    • Rose Madder E71D36
    • Tiffany Blue 2EC4B6
    • Baby Powder FDFFFC
    • Rich Black 011627
    • United Nations Blue 5386E4


  • React NextJS, Custom Hook, React Context
  • Graphql Apollo Client
  • CSS in JS Emotion
  • Automated test (Integration test & Unit test) with JEST and React testing library
  • Webpack

Sprint plan

Day 1

All page layouting with dummy data

Day 2

  • All page layouting with real data
  • Apollo integration
  • Fetch API from gql
  • Start on storage logic

Day 3

All page layouting with real data

Add basic css for components

Local storage logic on :

  • Catching pokemon
  • Retrieve Pokemon on my list
  • Release pokemon

Work on my pokemon list

Day 4

  • Design improvement
  • Fix css and logics
  • Start on writing test cases
  • Initial Deploy

Day 5

  • Improve UI
  • Add animation

Day 6

  • Improve UI
  • Clean code
  • Add animation

Day 7

  • Clean code
  • Double check deployment and submit


  • Write tests
  • Simplify Styling
  • Reduce re-render
  • Improve Lighthouse scoring
  • Improve color pallette
  • Add infinite loader