
The following code Vaporwaves an image

Primary LanguagePython


The following code Vaporwaves an image. This code is purely artistic and has no other purpose.

To run the code, run main.py in a python shell.

The script requires opencv 3.3.1 and numpy.

To use this code, download it and all of its folders. The program relies on the images in the folder "elements" and the haar cascades in in the folder "cascade". The repo contains a set of sample images that I found to work fairly well.

To change the image being used, modify the code on line 215 in main.py (I'll make it command line read another date).

The following link is a Medium article with an overivew of this project. https://medium.com/@theclassytim/computer-vision-for-vaporwave-art-32a330c827ee