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What is it?

python-emailer is a Python package that aids in sending of emails. It is a robust package which aims to cover every aspect of sending emails thereby, helping developers code less.

Typical Usage

from python_emailer.email_processing import PyMailer

login_details = ['sender_email', 'password']

email_sender = PyMailer('recipient_data.csv', login_details, 
                        subject='Job Application', 'Find attached my cv')


Main Features

Here are some of the supported features of python-emailer:

  • Checks and cleans common errors in email addresses like ( unexpected spaces, fullstops).
  • Checks for valid email address syntax
  • Reads email content from strings, .html files, or .txt files
  • Reads recipient data from string, list, tuple, set, dictionary, .json, and .csv files.
  • Auto detects the SMTP host of the provided sender email address.
  • Attaches files to the email. Can also attach all files in a given directory. Can also display files(images) in the email.
  • Auto detects the message type of the email(html or plain)
  • Includes recipient's name in the email after the provided introductory string(i.e Hello <recipient_name>)

Where to get it

The source code is hosted on Github: https://github.com/hilariie/python-emailer

And can be installed from Python Package Index(PyPI)

pip install python-emailer


This package only makes use of python builtin packages.




Contributions, bug reports and fixes, documentation improvements and enhancements, and ideas are all welcome.

To contribute:

  • Fork this repo

  • Clone your repo

    git clone <your repo>

  • Make commit changes

    git add <changed files>

    git commit -m "commit message

  • Push changes

    git push ..

  • Create a pull request

How to use

File attachments:

To attach files to an email, provide the path to the files to the file_path argument of send_email

For a cv.pdf file.


To attach multiple files, pass the directory instead


To display images in email, make sure you have cid:<image_name> in your email content/message where you want to display the image. An example is shown below

    <p>Below is the order of the meetup</p>
    <img height="auto" src="cid:image_test" style=".." width="100"/>

pass in the exact cid value in the send_email method



For multiple recipients (names and email addresses) where you wish to address them by names,simply pass the greeting string.


email appears as:

Hello <recipient_name>

Email body

Recipient data:

Recipient data can be read from various data and file types such as

  • sets - recipient email addresses
  • lists - recipient email addresses
  • tuples - recipient email addresses
  • dictionaries - recipient email addresses, names, and cc
  • string - recipient email addresses
  • .json files - recipient email addresses, names, and cc
  • .csv files - recipient email addresses, names, and cc
.csv files:

csv files should be arranged in this order below screenshot

.json files/dictionaries

Dictionaries should be in one of the two structures

  • {names:[name1, name2, ...], emails:[email1, email2, ...], cc:[cc1, cc2, ...]}
  • {name1:email1, name2:email2, ...}