
Filesystem abstraction layer and common function wrappers

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

HileSystem Local

HileSystem Local

Filesystem abstraction layer and common function wrappers.

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import {
  absolutePathFrom, pathFrom,
  createDirectory, createFile,
  readFileToBase64, readFileToBuffer, readFileToString,
  dirIsEmpty, dirIsExecutable, dirIsReadable, dirIsVisible, dirIsWritable,
  fileIsExecutable, fileIsReadable, fileIsVisible, fileIsWritable,
  getStatus, isDirExists, isFileExists, isPathExists,
  fileExtension, fileName, fileNameExt, filePath,
  listContents, listDirectories, listFiles,
  remove, removeNonBlocking, removeSilent,
  fileTruncate, writeFile, writeFileTail, writeJSON,
  hash, hashCrc32, hashMd5, hashSha1, hashSha256, hashSha512, size,
} from "@hilesystem/local";

Import all as named import

import * as hileSystem from "@hilesystem/local";
const isDirectoryCreated = await hileSystem.createDirectory("./test/");

Working with instance

If you prefer object-oriented style.

import { HileSystemLocal } from "@hilesystem/local";
const hileSystem = new HileSystemLocal();
const isDirectoryCreated = await hileSystem.createDirectory("./test/");



absolutePathFrom(paths, ...morePaths) Join all arguments together and normalize the resulting path.
const paths = ["path", "to", "file.txt"];
const str = absolutePathFrom(paths) // "/user/me/path/to/file.txt"
fileExtension(path) Get file extension.
const str = fileExtension("path/to/file.txt"); // "txt"
fileName(path) Return the file name without extension.
const str = fileName("path/to/file.txt"); // "file"
fileNameExt(path) Return the last portion of a path.
const str = fileNameExt("path/to/file.txt"); // "file.txt"
filePath(path) Return the directory name of a path.
const str = filePath("path/to/file.txt"); // "path/to"
pathFrom(paths, ...morePaths) Join all arguments together and normalize the resulting path.
const str = pathFrom(["path", "to", "file.txt"]) // "path/to/file.txt"


createDirectory(dirPath, mode, recursive) Asynchronous create a directory.
const trueOrError = await createDirectory("path/to/dir", "0777", true);
createFile(pathLike, mode) Asynchronous create a file.
const trueOrError = await createFile("path/to/dir", "0777");


readFileToBase64(pathLike) Reads the file into a string.
const stringOrError = await readFileToBase64("path/to/img.png");
readFileToBuffer(pathLike) Reads the file into a buffer.
const bufferOrError = await readFileToBuffer("path/to/file.txt");
readFileToString(pathLike) Reads the file into a string.
const stringOrError = await readFileToString("path/to/file.txt");


move(pathFrom, pathTo) Change the name or location of a file or directory.
const trueOrError = await move("path/to/file.ext", "path/to-another/file.ext");


fileTruncate(pathToFile, length) Truncate a file to a specified length.
const trueOrError = await fileTruncate("path/to/file.ext");
writeFile(filePath, data, options) Asynchronously writes data to a file, replacing the file if it already exists.
const filePath = "./file.txt";
const data = "Text";
const options = { encoding: "utf8" };
const trueOrError = await writeFile(filePath, data, options);
writeFileTail(filePath, data, options) Asynchronously writes data to the end of a file.
const filePath = "./file.txt";
const data = "Text to add to the end of the file.";
const options = { encoding: "utf8" };
const trueOrError = await writeFileTail(filePath, data, options);
writeJSON(filePath, data, options, configuration) Asynchronously writes data to a file, replacing the file if it already exists.
const filePath = "./file.json";
const data = { key: "value" };
const options = { encoding: "utf8" };
const config = {
  sort: true,
  space: "\t"
const trueOrError = await writeJSON(filePath, data, options, config);


remove(pathLike) Removes a file or directory.
const voidOrError = await remove("path/to/file.txt");
removeNonBlocking(pathLike) Non-blocking remove of a file or directory.
removeSilent(pathLike, options) Removes files and directories (modeled on the standard POSIX rm utility).


getStatus(path) Get file status.
const [status, error] = await getStatus("path/to/file.ext");
isDirExists(path) Get directory status.
const trueOrFalse = await isDirExists("path/to/");
isFileExists(path) Get file status.
const trueOrFalse = await isFileExists("path/to/file.ext");
isPathExists(path) Get path status.
const trueOrFalse = await isPathExists("path/to/file_or_directory");


dirIsEmpty(pathToDir, excludeSystemFiles) Check if a directory is empty.
const booleanOrError = await dirIsEmpty("path/to/dir", true);
dirIsExecutable(pathToDir) Is directory executable.
const trueOrError = await dirIsExecutable("path/to/dir");
dirIsReadable(pathToDir) Is directory readable.
const trueOrError = await dirIsReadable("path/to/dir");
dirIsVisible(pathToDir) Is directory visible.
const trueOrError = await dirIsVisible("path/to/dir");
dirIsWritable(pathToDir) Is directory writable.
const trueOrError = await dirIsWritable("path/to/dir");
fileIsExecutable(pathToFile) Is file executable.
const trueOrError = await fileIsExecutable("path/to/file.ext");
fileIsReadable(pathToFile) Is file readable.
const trueOrError = await fileIsReadable("path/to/file.ext");
fileIsVisible(pathToFile) Is file visible.
const trueOrError = await fileIsVisible("path/to/file.ext");
fileIsWritable(pathToFile) Is file writable.
const trueOrError = await fileIsWritable("path/to/file.ext");


listContents(pathToDir, ignoreJunkOrSystem?) Lists files and directories in path.
const arrayOfStringsOrError = await listContents("path/to/dir");
listDirectories(pathToDir) Lists files and directories in path.
const arrayOfStringsOrError = await listDirectories("path/to/dir");
listFiles(pathToDir) Lists files in path.
const arrayOfStringsOrError = await listFiles("path/to/dir");


hash(pathToFile, algorithm) Calculate hash.
const hash = await hash("path/to/file", "md5");
hashCrc32(pathToFile) CRC32.
const hash = await hashCrc32("path/to/file");
hashMd5(pathToFile) MD5.
const hash = await hashMd5("path/to/file");
hashSha1(pathToFile) SHA-1.
const hash = await hashSha1("path/to/file");
hashSha256(pathToFile) SHA-256.
const hash = await hashSha256("path/to/file");
hashSha512(pathToFile) SHA-512.
const hash = await hashSha512("path/to/file");
size(pathToFile) File size in bytes.
const sizeInBytes = await size("path/to/file");
const sizeAsString = await size("path/to/file", true);

See also

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