
C# Picture Glitcher

Primary LanguageC#


C# Picture Glitcher

2012 Sixstring982

  1. Purpose PicFX is a command based image processing program. Glitched pictures can easily be created with careful use of the editing library.

  2. Use First, a picture must be loaded. Simply type:

     load [filename]

    in order to get your picture in PicFx. Once you have it loaded, you can see it by typing:


    When in the command line, there are many commands which will change the look of your picture. They are documented in section 4.

  3. Tutorial Let's make a sweet image. First, run PicFx and start by loading a sample.

     load samples/man.jpg

    After each command, type


    to see the image at that point. Now, let's try using some of the tools to make it look better. First type:

     cthreshold 128 r

    This gets rid of all red in the image less than 128. Looks pretty snazzy! Now, I feel like taking out all of the green.

     dechannel g

    Let's compress that into a lower bpp now:

     compress 6

    And now, let's pixelate what we have.

     deres 5

    Looking pretty badass! Here's a fun trick that yeilds some cool results:

     flip v
     pane 8
     flip v
     pane 8

    Already looks a little glitchy if you ask me! Now we should add the green layer back to the photo:

     rechannel g

    And perhaps finish it with a compress and another deres

     compress 4
     deres 2

    And there we go! You probably have the hang of how the program works by now.

  4. Commands I. File Browser PicFX has a mediocre built in file browser so that you don't get lost looking for your pictures.

     cd [path]
     Change directory to the path listed. May be a little buggy, but
     it seems to work well when I use it.
     See what is inside the current folder. Folders are blue and files
     are yellow.
     load [filename]
     Loads an image for editing.
     save [filename]
     Saves the edited image at the path specified.
     Unloads the file from PicFx. Useful if you want to open the
     image that you are currently editing elsewhere.
     Shows the picture in a new form, allowing you to view your changes.
     Shows the picture in a cam window, with a camMap window nearby.
     When clicked, the camMap window will allow you to browse around
     the loaded image.

    II. Control PicFx has commands which edit the flow of editing.

     for [int loopCount] [command]
     Performs the command loopCount times, then stops.
     rscript [filename]
     Runs a script, saved at filename. See section 5 for details.
     Closes the program. Don't forget to save!

    III. Picture Editing The fun part!

     deres [int scale]
     Turns the picture into one with larger pixels. scale determines
     the size of each pixel.
     compress [int scale]
     Compresses the picture into a lower bpp. Each increment in scale
     divides the bpp by two, for instance: a 32bpp picture compressed
     with a scale of 3 goes down to an 8bpp picture.
     Takes all channels and makes each the negative version of itself.
     Resets the picture back to how it was when you loaded it.
     Shuffles the picture forward based on a predetermined path. Can
     be used to encrypt the picture in some way, because m- is the
     inverse function of m+ .
     Shuffles the picture backwards based on the mPath. Since it
     is the inverse of m+, using these in the right way will let
     you encrypt your picture.
     Performs m+ and m- in order on your picture. If a picture
     does not load correctly, this may fix it.
     Rotates each color channel to another channel. I.e., 
     R = B, B = G, G = R
     pane [int size]
     Selects strips of size pixels wide, and reverses them. Does this
     for the whole picture.
     Performs a smattering of calls to the editing library. Makes
     your image look pretty fascinating most of the time
     flip [v | h]
     Flips the picture, either horizontally or vertically based
     on its arguments.
     dechannel [g | r | b]
     Removes one of the color channels from the image.
     rechannel [g | r | b]
     Replaces one of the color channels with the original values from
     when the picture was loaded.
     multiply [double value] [r | g | b]
     Multiplies each of the values in the specified channel by the
     value argument.
     greychannel [r | g | b]
     Sets each of the other channels equal to the channel specified
     in the argument. Greyscales the picture.
     cthreshold [byte threshold] [r | g | b]
     If a pixel's channel value does not meet the threshold, it is
     set to 0.
     ckeep [byte threshold] [r | g | b]
     Runs cthreshold on the two unspecified channels.
     clow [byte threshold] [r | g | b]
     If a pixel's channel value meets the threshold, it is set to
     [rshift | lshift | ushift | dshift] [r | g | b | all] [int distance]
     Shifts the specified channel in the calling direction by
     distance pixels.
  5. Scripting

    PicFX supports some basic scripting. All you must do is use the rscript command in conjunction with the filename of the script that you wish to run.

    A script consists of a series of any of the commands listed in section four. If you wish to see an example, there is a sample script called demo.pfs located in the samples folder.

Happy glitching!
