
Repo to hold submission for the Coursera course "Getting and Cleaning Data"

Primary LanguageR


This is a repo to hold the course project work for the Coursera course "Getting and Cleaning Data"

This repo contains 3 files:

  1. This file (README.md)
  2. An R script that transforms the raw Samsung dataset to an aggregated tidy dataset (run_analysis.R)
  3. A code book that describes the data cleaning process and final variables (CodeBook.md)

Running the scripts

To process the raw data into the tidy summary dataset, do the following:

  • In your working directory, download the Samsung raw data zip file from https://d396qusza40orc.cloudfront.net/getdata%2Fprojectfiles%2FUCI%20HAR%20Dataset.zip
  • Unpack the zip file, which will create a sub-folder in the working directory called "UC HAR Dataset"
  • Place the script run_analysis.R in the working directory
  • Start R, and source the script run_analysis.R
  • Run the function makeTidyData().
  • This will generate the tidy data to the output file tidy_final_ahv01.txt

See CodeBook.md for a description of the variables and units in the final tidy dataset.