
R functions to make LDSC annotations

Primary LanguageRGNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0

make_LDSR_annot (v: 2.4.6)

Collection of R functions to create annotations for analysis using stratified LDSC

NOTE: the R-functions only create the annotation-files, you still need to convert the annotation-files to LDscores (see: https://github.com/bulik/ldsc/wiki/LD-Score-Estimation-Tutorial )

There are two ways to create a new annotation:

  1. specifying a set of SNPs to include
  2. collapse existing annotations


The function requires the data.table-package to be installed in R

Getting started

Clone this repository and:

  1. run script_get_reference_file.sh (optional)
  2. source make.LDSR.annot.R in R

1. Creating a new annotation by specifying a set of SNPs

To create a new annotation, run the make.LDSR.annot()-function

This function requires the following 5 arguments:

  • input=vector or data.frame (see below)
  • out=output directory
  • annot.name=name for the new annotation
  • template.dir=directory containing existing annotation files (see below)
  • input.type=c("rs","id","name","bp","pos")

Other accepted arguments:

  • sep=separator for the chromosome-basepair positions
  • add.windows=add window-annotations (see below)
  • GeneCode=reference file (see below)
  • ID.extension=does the gene IDs contain extensions?
  • gene.shoulder=add shoulder around genes (see below)


The function can handle 5 types of input:

  • a list of RSIDs (input.type='rs')
  • a list of gene IDs (input.type='id')
  • a list of gene names (input.type='name')
  • a list of chromosome:basepair ranges (input.type='bp')
  • a list of chromosome:basepair positions (input.type='pos')

For a list of CHR:BP ranges, the input must be a three-column data.frame with the following order:

  • CHR
  • END

In all other cases the input should be either (1) a vector or (2) a single-column data.frame or matrix

NOTE: for a list of gene IDs/names, an additional file is required that indicates which basepair positions are spanned by the genes (see below). This file can be created by running script_get_reference_file.sh


Use this argument to indicate where the templates are located. For example, template.dir="/home/user/my_annotations/foo" results in the function using foo.[1-22].annot.gz as templates for the new annotation.


As indicated by Finucane et al (2015), it is sometimes proper to add additional so-called window-annotations next to your main annotation. The window annotation includes all SNPs that are part of the main annotation and every SNP that is within a specific BP-window from these SNPs. The argument accepts one of the following values:

  • an integer
  • a vector of integers
  • T(RUE)=add 100 and 500bp windows (default)
  • F(ALSE)=do not add windows


This argument is used to indicate which OBJECT is the reference file that indicates the span of each gene. This object should contain the following 4 columns with these names:

  • END

NOTE: the object may contain more columns than required (e.g. both GENE_NAME and GENE_ID) as long as the column names of the relevant columns match exactly with what is shown above


When using genes as input, it is often prudent to extend the genes with a certain range (see Finucane et al, 2018). gene.shoulder accepts a single integer as input.

Note: this is different from specifying windows: add.windows=100 will return a file with two annotations, the main annotation and a 100-BP window; whereas gene.shoulder=100 returns one annotation where the ranges as specified by GeneCode are extended with 100 BP on both sides of the gene.

NOTE: if both add.windows and gene.shoulder are specified, gene ranges will first be extended and windows will be made based on the extended ranges

2. collapse existing annotations

Use the collapse.annots()-function to combine multiple annotations into a single annotation. You can choose to do one of two things:

  • intersection=new annotation will only include SNPs that are common to all annotations
  • union=new annotation will contain all SNPs that is part of at least one annotation

NOTE: the function has only been tested with files that contain only one annotation. The function may not work propberly with files that contain windows and/or consists of multiple annotations (e.g. the "baseline"-annotations).

The function requires 4 arguments:

  • annot.dir=directory containing the annotations to collapse
  • out=output directory
  • annot.name=name for the new annotation
  • collapse.type= "intersection" or "union" (case-sensitive)

Optional argument:

  • add.windows (see above)


The value supplied to this argument should be a (vector of) strings. For example: annot.dir=c("/home/user/my_annotations/foo","/home/user/my_annotations/bar") indicates that foo.[1-22].annot.gz and bar.[1-22].annot.gz will be included in the new annotation.

Alternatively, the value may be a directory, e.g. annot.dir="/home/user/my_annotations/" (note the trailing slash!), and all annotations inside the annotation will be collapsed into the new annotation.


Both functions return:

  • 22 files called <annot.name>.[1-22].annot.gz
  • <annot.name>.log

make.LDSR.annot() further returns:

  • <annot.name>.included: list of SNPs/genes that were included in the new annotation
  • <annot.name>.excluded: list of SNPs/genes that were excluded from the new annotation (if applicable)