
A .NET profiling context to generate speedscope profiling file.

Primary LanguageC#


SpeedscopeSharp provides a profiling context for you to easily create custom profiling events in your code, and output a profiling file which can be viewed with https://www.speedscope.app/.

Getting Started


Install from nuget:

Install-Package Hillinworks.Speedscope


dotnet add package Hillinworks.Speedscope

Profile your code

  1. Create a ProfilingContext:
var profileContext = new ProfileContext("MyProfilingContext");
  1. Create a sub-context. Currently the only supported sub-context type is EventedProfilingContext.

A sub-context is used to profile a single thread of process, i.e. the events within it cannot interleave. If you want to profiling a multi-threaded process, use one sub-context per thread is a good idea.

You can create an EventedProfilingContext like this:

var eventedProfileContext = profileContext.CreateEventedProfileContext("MyEventedProfilingContext", TimeUnit.Seconds);

The created EventedProfilingContext can be used to record events. An event is simply a named time frame, you can wrap any kind of operation within an event: function calls, blocking operations, async awaits....

  1. Create an event
var eventHandle = eventedProfileContext.OpenEvent("MyOperation");
// do some time-consuming stuffs

This will create an event in the EventedProfilingContext, with the time consumed by the wrapped operations recorded.

An event handle is IDisposable, so you can also write it like this:

using(var eventHandle = eventedProfileContext.OpenEvent("MyOperation"))
    // do some time-consuming stuffs

An opened event must be closed, by either explicitly calling CloseEvent, or disposing the event handle.

Events can be nested:

using(var eventHandle = eventedProfileContext.OpenEvent("MyOperation"))
    using(var step1 = eventedProfileContext.OpenEvent("Step 1"))
        // do step 1
    using(var step2 = eventedProfileContext.OpenEvent("Step 2"))
        // do step 2
    // do remaining stuffs
  1. Commit the ProfilingContext

Once the profiling is completed, call


to commit the ProfileContext. Once it's committed, you can not create sub-context or events on that ProfileContext any more.

Then you can save the profling result to a file:

using (var file = File.Create(pathToSaveProflingFile))

The saved file can be loaded and visualized at https://www.speedscope.app/.