
A proxy for @ngrx/component-store to reduce boilerplate.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A proxy for @ngrx/component-store to reduce boilerplate.

This library uses a little bit of proxy magic to drastically reduce the boilerplate code you need to write when using @ngrx/component-store.

Get Started

npm i ngrx-proxy-component-store


yarn add ngrx-proxy-component-store

One Example to Rule Them All

Say we have a HeroState:

export interface HeroState {
  hp: number;
  equipment: {
    weapon: WeaponType;
  /* Of course our hero has much more than these! */

And its corresponding HeroComponentStore:


class HeroComponentStore extends ComponentStore<HeroState> {
  readonly hp$ = this.select(state => state.hp);
  readonly weapon$ = this.select(state => state.equipment.weapon);
  readonly setHp = this.updater((state, hp: number) => ({ ...state, hp }));
  readonly setWeapon = this.updater((state, weapon: WeaponType) => ({
    // carefully reduce nested state
    equipment: { ...state.equipment, weapon },
  /* That's just for two properties. */


// Note we derive from ProxyComponentStore instead of ComponentStore
class HeroComponentStore extends ProxyComponentStore<HeroState> {

To select or reduce the state, use the state proxy:

  // returns an Observable<number>
  const hp$ = this.state.hp$;   

  // Observable<{ weapon: WeaponType }>
  const equipment$ = this.state.equipment$; 

  // nested state property can be accessed directly
  const weapon$ = this.state.equipment.weapon$;

  // I lied. hp$ behaves like an Observable, but actaully it's not. 
  // It also encapsulates an updater:

  // Nested updater, so we don't have to carefully reduce nested state
  this.state.equipment.weapon$.update(new BFG());

Alternative Usage

If for some reason it's not desirable to derive your component store from ProxyComponentStore, you can always use the proxify function to create a proxy for a component store.

readonly state = proxify(this);


  • Generate selectors and updaters based on state definition.
  • Support nested state, automatic undefined handling.
    • e.g. for state { nested?: { value: string; } }, state.nested.value$ returns an Observer<string | undefined>; calling state.nested.value$.update('abc') will actually reduce the state with nested set to { value: 'abc' }.
  • Cache selectors and updaters (so they won't be repeatedly generated).