
demo app with express+postgres server and react client

Primary LanguageJavaScript


demo app with express+postgres server and react client

Clone this repo and install

git clone https://github.com/hillscottc/fullstack-fruitpal
cd fullstack-fruitpal
npm install

(If you get errors running npm i at the top level, try running npm i in fullstack-fruitpal/client and then run npm i in fullstack-fruitpal/server. This was a little bumpy on my old linux box.)

Create Postgres database

  • Create fruitpal db and fruitpal user
psql -d postgres -U postgres -c "CREATE ROLE fruitpal WITH LOGIN PASSWORD 'fruitpal';

psql -d postgres -U postgres -c "CREATE DATABASE fruitpal WITH OWNER fruitpal;"
  • Restore the fruitpal db
psql -d fruitpal -f db.sql

The database is ready to go now. Or you can:

(optional) Reload the fruitprices table from a json input file

  • Truncate old fruitprices table
psql fruitpal -U fruitpal -c "truncate TABLE fruitprices;"
  • Create a json temp table
psql fruitpal -U fruitpal -c "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS temp;CREATE TABLE temp (data jsonb);"
  • Copy json file data to temp json table
cat fruit_input.json | psql fruitpal -U fruitpal -c "COPY temp (data) FROM STDIN;"
  • Copy data from temp json table to fruitprices table
psql fruitpal -U fruitpal -c "INSERT INTO fruitprices (ctry_code, commodity_id, fixed_overhead, variable_cost)
SELECT (SELECT ctry_code FROM countries WHERE country = data->>'country'),
(SELECT commodity_id FROM commodities WHERE commodity = data->>'commodity'),
(data->>'fixed_overhead')::real, (data->>'variable_cost')::real FROM temp"

Run the app

From the fullstack-fruitpal/ directory:

npm start

App will be running at http://localhost:3000/