
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

node-tip-bot is an open-source node.js IRC bot for tipping with altcoins. It uses node-coin for integration with altcoin's JSON RPC API.


To install node-tip-bot simply clone this repo and install dependencies:

git clone https://github.com/lefter1s/node-tip-bot
cd node-tip-bot
npm install

After installation proceed to the configuration.


To configure, copy the config/config.sample.yml file to config/config.yml.


IRC network connection info.

  • host - hostname of the IRC server
  • port - port of the IRC server
  • secure - use secured connection
  • status_command - NickServ command to get nick's login status, ACC on freenode, STATUS on some other networks


IRC network connection and login info.

  • nickname - bot's nickname
  • username - bot's username
  • realname - bot's realname
  • nickserv_password - nickserv password to identify with


List of channels to auto-join to.


Web interface settings.

  • enabled - enabled web admin
  • port - port to bound to
  • users - list of users with access to web interface in name: password format


Logging settings.

  • file - file to log to. Set to false to disable logging to file.


JSON RPC API connection info.

  • host - JSON RPC API hostname
  • port - API port (Rpc Port)
  • user - API username
  • pass - API password (keep that secure)


Basic coin settings.

  • withdrawal_fee - fee charged on withdraw to cover up txfee, the rest goes to bot's wallet.
  • min_withdraw - minimum amount of coins to withdraw
  • min_confirmations - minimum amount of confirmations needed to tip/withdraw coins
  • min_tip - minimum amount of coins to tip
  • min_rain - minimum amount of coins to make rain
  • short_name - short coin's name (eg. BTC)
  • full_name - full coin's name (eg. Bitcoin)


Here you can restrict some commands to work only on PM/channel.


Whatever the bot says. Supports expandable variables (eg. %nick% for bot's nick). By default all config vars from rpc section are available.

How does it work?

Every nickname has it's own account in your wallet. When tipping or withdrawing, bot checks if user is registered and identified with NickServ. If so, he moves the money from one account to another, or when withdrawing, transfers coins to other wallet.

How to run it?

Before running the bot, you have to be running your coin daemon with JSON-RPC API enabled. To enable, add this to your coin daemon configuration file (eg. ~/.coind/coind.conf):

rpcuser=<your username>
rpcpassword=<your super secret password>
rpcallowip=<your bot's ip address or just if hosted on the same machine>

To run the bot simply use node bin/tipbot or npm start.


Command Arguments Description
balance displays your current wallet balance
address displays address where you can send your funds to the tip bot
withdraw <address> withdraws your whole wallet balance to specified address
tip <nick> <amount> sends the specified amount of coins to the specified nickname
rain <amount> [max] displays terms and conditions for using the tip bot
networkhps displays the current network hashpersec
diff displays the current network difficulty
help displays configured help message (by default similiar to this one)
terms displays terms and conditions for using the tip bot