This Application shall be used to organize emergency calls to a coordination center which can send the emergency calls to a rescue team.
This repo contains the adminstration backend and the database.
There is also:
an App for involved "Spotters" to send new cases and to track the current position of the Spotter. The Source for the Spotter App can be found here
a "Refugee App" which can be used by people who are in a current case of distress. The Source for the Refugee app can be found here
Both apps are build with Angular and wrapped with ionic to support as many systems as possible.
- PHP >= 5.5.9
- OpenSSL PHP Extension
- Mbstring PHP Extension
- Tokenizer PHP Extension
The backend is build with Laravel 5 and is based on Laravel Framework 5.1 Bootstrap 3 Starter Site.
You can download and unzip it in your www or htdocs folder.
Or just cline this Repo
Laravel utilizes Composer to manage its dependencies. First, download a copy of the composer.phar. Once you have the PHAR archive, you can either keep it in your local project directory or move to usr/local/bin to use it globally on your system. On Windows, you can use the Composer Windows installer.
Enter the admin/ directory and run:
composer dump-autoload
composer install --no-scripts
Laravel needs an application key, which can be generated with:
php artisan key:generate
Go to the root directory and type 'php artisan migrate'.
In admin/public/js/config.js
User and Organisation Management Operation Area & Border Management Track cases and case positions Track Spotters and Vehicles
Planed Features: SMS Support for the Refugee App to keep connection alive
You want to contribute to this project? Just write a mail to
... docu can be found in docu/