Doctrine2 resource extension

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Extension provides simplified and unified interface for working with resources.


$ php composer.phar require 'anh/doctrine-extensions-resource:0.4.*'

Symfony integration

There is a bundle or package for that.


Defining resources

Resource definition is an array with required and optional keys.

$resources = [
    'article' => [ // resource name
        'model' => 'Some\Name\Space\Entity\Article', // model (required)
        'repository' => 'Some\Other\Name\Space\Repository', // you can override resource repository here (optional)
        'interface' => 'Another\Lib\Interface', // for Doctrine ResolveTargetEntityListener (optional, can be array, not implemented yet)
        'rules' => [ // rules for this resource (optional)
            'isPublished' => [
                'isDraft' => false,
                'r.publishedSince <= current_timestamp()',

    'category' => [ // another resource
        /* ... */


You should configure object manager to use ResourceRepositoryFactory as repository factory in order to inject paginator and rule resolver services into repositories. Extension can use any paginator compatible with ResourcePaginatorInterface.

Create entity manager, event dispatcher, add event subscriber and create ResourceManagerFactory.


use Doctrine\ORM\Configuration;
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager;
use Anh\DoctrineResource\ORM\ResourceRepositoryFactory;
use Anh\DoctrineResource\ORM\EventListener\LoadMetadataSubscriber;
use Anh\Paginator\Paginator;

$repositoryFactory = new ResourceRepositoryFactory($resources, new Paginator());

// create config for object manager
$config = new Configuration();
/* set up orm config here */


// create entity manager
$entityManager = EntityManager::create([/* connection params */], $config);

// create event dispatcher
$eventDispatcher = new EventDispatcher();
/* set up event dispatcher here */

// add doctrine event subscriber
$entityManager->getEventManager()->addEventSubscriber(new LoadMetadataSubscriber($resources));

// create factory for resource manager
$resourceManagerFactory = new ResourceManagerFactory($resources, $eventDispatcher);

CRUD operations with ResourceManager.

Each resource type has it's own resource manager, to instantiate it you should use ResourceManagerFactory::create().

$articleManager = $resourceManagerFactory->create('article', $entityManager);

// basic CRUD operations
// create resource
$article = $articleManager->createResource();
$article->setTitle('This is so test title');

// update resource
$article->setTitle('This is test title');

// delete resource


Code above will generate this events:

  • anh_resource.article.pre_create
  • anh_resource.article.post_create
  • anh_resource.article.pre_update
  • anh_resource.article.post_update
  • anh_resource.article.pre_delete
  • anh_resource.article.post_delete

Fetching resources with ResourceRepository.

ResourceRepository has two methods for fetching resources: paginate() and fetch().

// resource repository usage
$articleRepository = $articleManager->getRepository();

// paginate published articles
$publishedArticles = $articleRepository->paginate(1, 20, ['[isPublished]']);

// fetch articles with complex criteria
$ratedArticles = $articleRepository->fetch(
    [ // criteria
        '%rating' => [ '>' => 10 ],
    [ // sorting
        'rating' => 'desc'
    5 // limit

See orm-example.php.

Advanced criteria format

You can use advanced criteria format for filtering. It's not limited to equal comparison only. For example:

$criteria = [
    'section' => 'articles', // old school
    '%rating' => [ '>' => 10 ],
    '#or' => [
        '%title-1' => [ 'like' => '%word.' ],
        '%title-2' => [ 'like' => 'Some%' ],
        '#and' => [
            'role' => [ 'moderator', 'editor' ],
            '#or' => [
                'status' => 'fixed',
                'isDraft' => true,

Advanced comparison

If the field name starts with % then advanced format for field should follow. It consists of the array with a single element, where key is the comparison operator and value is parameter for operator. Common operators are: >, <, >=, <=, <> and others, for full list refer to QueryBuilderAdapter of each driver.

Comparison types

Symbol # with following and or or is used for changing comparison type. Comparison types can be nested.

Multiple criteria on the same field

If you need a few criteria for the same field, simply add a dash followed by a number. Apply the same for the comparison types.


Rule is predefined group of criteria for resource. You can define it in resource definition (key rules). When rule is defined you can use its name in square brackets as criterion for ResourceRepository::paginate() and ResourceRepository::fetch() methods.

$repository = $manager->getRepository();
$publishedArticlesInSection = $repository->fetch([
    'section' => $section

Auto joins

Query builder adds inner join automatically... (to be written)

$criteria = [
    '' => $email,
    '%user.role' => [ 'in' => ['guest', 'anonymous'] ],

$sorting = [
    'user.createdAt' => 'desc',

This advanced criteria format is valid for all available drivers (ORM, PHPCR-ODM, MongoDB-ODM).


Not all operators are available for each driver.


Inspired by SyliusResourceBundle from Sylius.


Library uses semantic versioning.
