
This is my journey from the start to end when I learnt Machine Learning from start to end. Each .ipynb file represents my single day or the topic covred in that particular file. By this one can learn and can give a kickstart to the basic understanding of Machine Learnings. The codes offered are easily readable with short notes on the side.

You can clone this into your system.

Getting Started

  1. Fork this repository.
  2. Clone this forked repository.

git clone

  1. Navigate to the project directory.

cd Machine-Learning

  1. Create a new branch

git checkout -b <your-branch-name>

you can name it anything of your wish

  1. Make changes in it.
  2. Run it.
  3. Stage your changes and commit it.

Add changes to index

git add .

Commit to the local repository

git commit -m "<your_commit_message>"

  1. Push your local commits to your local repository.

git push -u origin <your_branch_name>


Pre-Requisites to run this project on your System are

-Python 3


-Jupyter Notebook Installed in your system

Jupyter notebook through your terminal is lighter option for your system.

Topics Covered in this

Introduction To Data Analysis And Visualization With Python

  1. Python List Vs Numpy Arrays
  2. Different Ways To Create Array In Numpy
  3. Handle Multi-Dimensional Array With Numpy
  4. Introduction To Pandas
  5. Data Analysis With Pandas
  6. Series And Data Frames
  7. Read CSV, Excel And Other Files With Pandas
  8. Exploratory Data Analysis With Pandas
  9. Statistical Analysis
  10. Mean, Median, Mode, Range, Variance, Standard Deviation
  11. Introduction To Data Visualization
  12. Plot Graphs With Matplotlib
  13. Plot Histograms, Bar Plot, Scatter Plot, Box Plot, Pie Charts Etc.
  14. 2D And 3D Plots With Matplotlib
  15. Introduction To Seaborn
  16. Making Graphs More Attractive With Seaborn

built with love smile please