Restaurant App



  • Install and setup the backend server


  • run npm install or yarn install

Run on Device

  • run yarn android or yarn ios to run on device or emulator

Start the web version

  • run yarn start:web

Project info

Main objective of this project was to have a single code base for both web and mobile apps with the logic and view separated.

Project Structure

    /android                - React native android source code
    /app                    - React native specific code
        /base_components    - reusable react native components
        /components         - react native components
        /screens            - connected to store components
        /App.js             - App Root component
        /router.js          - route config
    /assets                 - contains image and fonts
    /ios                    - React native ios source code
        /actions            - all redux actions
        /constants          - colors and Assets
        /reducers           - all reducers
        /sagas              - all redux sagas  
        /service            - API methods
        /store              - store config
        /utils              - some utility functions

    /web                    - react js web specific code
        /screens            - connected to store components
        /components         - react components
        /base_components    - reusable react components
        /App.js             - App Root component
        /routes.js          - route config
    /webpack                - webpack config

ScreenShots - Native App