
Problem statement of a School

  1. Currently there is no way that students or teachers can view the notices from anywhere/anytime
  2. There is no convinient way for school admin to communicate a notice from anywhere/anytime to students/teachers
  3. There is no repository of notices that can be easily viewed anytime

Solution Suggested

  • Online portal through which school admin can easily post a school notice from anywhere/anytime.
  • Students/Teachers/Parents can easily view all the posted notices from anywhere/anytime.
  • This portal will maintain a list of all the notices with time in its database and can be easily viewed on the portal.

TODO List for the developer of above online portal

  1. Create a web app to show school notice board page and admin page to upload notices using viet tool (new try)

  2. Add pages - notice board, admin login, upload notice for admin

  3. Create notice API that /notices GET that gives an array of notices. notice object as

  4. {

