

  • ✅ All <input> and <button> elements have in-built accessibility.
  • ✅ For custom interactive elements to be accessible, use tabindex attribute to ensure they are keyboard accessible.*
  • Whenever possible use built-in HTML elements, instead of building your own cusstom version.
  • ✅ Ude tabindex=0 to add an element into natural tab order <div tabindex="0"> I am accessible now </div> . To focus this element either use Tab key on keyboard or use focus() method on the element
  • ✅ Use tabindex=-1 to remove an element from getting accessible <buton tabindex="-1"> I am not accessible now </button>. This element cannot be focussed by Tab key from keyboard but can be focussed using focus method on the element. Note using tabindex="-1" will not affect the accessibility of its childreen. The children will still be accessible either naturally or using tabindex
  • ✅ If you are setting any tabindex with value > 0, i.e. 1 or more than 1, then it adds an explicit tab or keyboard navigation order. This must always be avoided

Make a non interactive element like <div> interactive and accessible

  1. Add tabindex attribute which make it accessible via tab and focussibble
  2. Add styles for :focus to the element

Tools for testing Accessibility

  • Any in-built tool present in the computer for Accessibility or any in-built scrren reader
  • Chrome extention like Screen reader can be added to browser and used for testing Accessibility of a web ap like which elements are accessible via keywords and what is their description


Radio buttons

  • Use Tab Key to focus to a group of readio options.
  • To navigate among the options use arrow keys ->. (Left arrow, right arrow, top arrow, bottom arrow keys)
  • This behaviour is the default behaviour for <radio> HTML element
  • Check demo


Disabled elements

  • When we add attribute disabled to an HTML element to make is disabled, then element automatically becomes inaccessible and non-focussible Elements like <button>, <input>, <select>, <option>, <textarea> etc
  • Note <a> element does not support disabled attribute

Making a modal doalog accessible


TODO points

  • Aria-label
  • radio button navigation via arrows is a default browser behaviour