Veez Music is a telegram bot project that's allow you to play music on telegram voice chat group
- FFmpeg
- NodeJS deb.nodesource.com
- Python 3.8 or higher
- MongoDB
- 2nd Telegram Account (needed for userbot)
- Thumbnail Support
- Playlist Support
- Youtube, Local playback support
- Settings panel
- Control with buttons
- Userbot auto join
- Keyboard selection support for youtube play
- Lyrics Scrapper
- Unlimited Queue
- Broadcast Bot
- Statistic Collector
- Block / Unblock (restrict user for using your bot)
/play <song name>
- play song you requested/playlist
- Show now playing list/song <song name>
- download songs you want quickly/search <query>
- search videos on youtube with details/vsong <song name>
- download videos you want quickly/lyric <song name>
- lyrics scrapper
- open music player settings panel/pause
- pause song play/resume
- resume song play/skip
- play next song/end
- stop music play/music on
- to disable music player in your group/music off
- to enable music player in your group/join
- invite assistant to your chat/leave
- remove assistant from your chat/reload
- Refresh admin list/uptime
- check the bot uptime status/ping
- check the bot ping status/auth
- authorized people to access the admin commands/unauth
- deauthorized people to access the admin commands/control
- open the music player control panel
- see the bot statistic/leaveall
- order the assistant to leave all groups/eval (query)
- execute any code/sh (query)
- run any code
- send a broadcast message from the bot/block
- block people for using your bot/unblock
- unblock people you blocked for using your bot/blocklist
- show the list of all people who's blocked for using your bot
- just type the bot username in any chat, example: "
@VeezMusicBot Faded Alan Walker
", then bot will give you a results of the query you search in inline mode.
The easy way to host this bot, deploy to Heroku, Change the app country to Europe (it will help to make the bot stable).
sudo apt update && apt upgrade -y
sudo apt install python3-pip ffmpeg -y
sudo curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_17.x | sudo bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
sudo npm i -g npm
git clone https://github.com/levina-lab/VeezMusic # clone the repo.
cd VeezMusic
sudo pip3 install --upgrade pip
sudo pip3 install -U -r requirements.txt
cp example.env .env # use vim to edit ENVs
vim .env # fill up the ENVs (Steps: press i to enter in insert mode then edit the file. Press Esc to exit the editing mode then type :wq! and press Enter key to save the file).
sudo python3 main.py # run the bot.
- Levina: Dev
- Tofik: Dev
- Zxce3: Dev
- Hunter-XDD: Dev
- Hyoka-XD: Contributor
- Rajkumar: Contributor
- Laky: PyTgCalls
- Dan: Pyrogram
- Original Repo CallsMusic
- Veez Music Bot Our Music Bot
- RojSerBest CallsMusic Developer
- TeamDaisyX for base code