Our hair salon's website is here to help you look amazing! We're experts at making your hair look great. Whether you want a new haircut, a different hair color, or just some relaxation, we can do it all. Check out our services, make an appointment, and get ready to feel fantastic with fabulous hair. We're just a click away!
Deployed Link : https://classy-sunburst-efb9f4.netlify.app/;
- Team Leader:- Himanshu Choudhary
- Team Mamber:- Ankita Maddheshiya , Asif Patel, Snehashish
- User can login and sign up
- User can visit pages
- User can see services
- User can book services
- User can view appointment
- User can cancel appointment
- User can give feedback on appointment
- User can see account details / update them / get previous appointment
- Feedback
- Logout
Frontend: HTML | CSS | JavaScript |
Backend: Node.js | Express.js | MongoDB |
Node Modules: mongoose.js | bcrypt | cors | dotenv | jsonwebtoken | nodemon
- name
- password
- name
- image
- service_name
- service_image
- service_price
- service_description
- service_category
- id
- start time
- end time
- stylistId
- available
- slotId
- stylerid
- userID
- serviceId
- date,
- time,
- service_name,
- service_des,
- styler_name
Male Services
GET - /services/male POST - /services/male/addMaleService PATCH - /services/male/update/:id DELETE - /services/male/delete/:id
Female Services
GET - /services/female GET - /services/female/female/:id POST - /services/female/addFemaleService PATCH - /services/female/update/:id DELETE - /services/female/delete/:id
GET - /stylist/styler POST - /stylist/styler/addStylistService PATCH - /stylist/styler/update/:id DELETE - /stylist/styler/delete/:id
GET - /appointments/appointment POST - /appointments/appointment/add PATCH - /appointments/appointment/update/:id DELETE - /appointments/appointment/delete/:id