Click & Collect is a flipkart clone. Basically flipkart is an e-commerce store where you can purchase different differnt products with low cost and get gifts.
Deployed Link :-
• Frontend: HTML | CSS | JavaScript | Bootstrap
• Backend: Node.js | Express.js | MongoDB
→ Node Modules: mongoose.js | bcrypt | cors | dotenv | jsonwebtoken | nodemon
POST /users/login - to login
GET /products - to get products data
GET /products/?category=exampleCategory - to get products category wise
GET /products/?title=exampleTitle - to search products by title
GET /products/?sort=asc - to get sorted products in ascending order
GET /products/?sort=dsc - to get sorted products in descending order
POST /products/add - to add products
POST /cartproducts - to add products to cart
GET /cartproducts - to get cart products
DELETE /cartproducts/:id - to delete a product from cart
If You want to give any feedback connect with me on-