Netflix GPT

  • Create vite app
  • Configured TailwindCSS
  • Created Header, Login Form
  • Created Routing
  • Form Validation, useRef Hook
  • Firebase Setup
  • Deploying app to Prod
  • Create user Account using signIn API
  • Implemented Redux Store for user
  • Implemented Sign out, update profile
  • Handled Redirection to proper pages if user logged in/ logged out
  • Unsubscribed when onAuthStateChange unmounts
  • Added constants file for Hardcoded values
  • Get data from TMDB API for browse page
  • Create movie slice and create custom hook for browse page
  • MainContainer and SecondaryContainer
  • Fetch Data for Trailer video
  • Update store with Trailer video Data
  • Created Custom Hook for BG Video
  • Embed the youtube video and make it autoplay and mute
  • Build Secondary Component
  • Build Movie List
  • build Movie Card
  • TMDB Image CDN URL
  • Made the Browser page amazing with Tailwind CSS
  • usePopularMovies Custom hook
  • GPT Search Page, search form
  • Multi Language Support using redux
  • OpenAI GPT key and fetching movies
  • Memoization and .env setup


  • Login/SIgnUp

    • Form
    • Redirection to homepage
  • Home Page

    • Header
    • Main Movie
      • Trailer in Bg
      • Title Desc
    • Movie Suggestions
      • Movie Lists
  • Netflix GPT

    • Search Bar
    • Movie Suggestions