
Primary LanguageLuaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

💤 LazyVim

A starter template for LazyVim. Refer to the documentation to get started.

System Dependencies

  • git (for LazyVim)

  • rg (ripgrep) (for LazyVim)

  • fd (for LazyVim)

  • lazygit (for LazyVim) : You can turn off its keybinding if you don't feel like installing it

  • unzip (Mason)

  • wget (Mason)

  • curl (Mason)

  • gzip (Mason)

How to use ?

To update all the plugins and everything : Run nvim then press l to open lazyvim then Sync everything


Setup Using Mason

Setup Python

  1. Install pyright using :Mason
  2. Make pyright use the Virtual Environment
  • If the venv is active in the SHELL, it should be active in neovim. Hence pyright will automatically detect it

Q: Do we need to configure any files ?

  • No


-. Install using Mason

If you face the indentation problem: Indentation becoming 2 automatically on save

Reason: clangd uses ClangFormat engine for formatting and defaults to LLVM Style Guide (2 spaces indent width)

Solution: Create a file .clang-format in your current project directory and add the following :

BasedOnStyle: LLVM
IndentWidth: 4
TabWidth: 4
UseTab: Never

This will make the configuration work in that Project only. How to make it global ?

  • Create this file .clang-format in your $HOME directory for global config


If you want to override an existing mapping, make sure to disable it first in the correct place.



  • Using it to jump cursor to anywhere in the visible screen
  • Keybinded to f

Things I'm removing form LazyVim

I'll refer this if i want to look at things i want back


You can delete the Keybindings using vim.keymap.del( modes , keybinding)

Some Keybindings that i removed are from them

  • Lazygit : Since i am not using it I'm removing them for now
  • Windows
  • buffers


-- lazygit
vim.keymap.del("n", "<leader>gg")

Telescope Keybindings

Removed using :

return {
  keys = {
    -- disabling extra keymaps
    { "<leader>/", false }, -- grep text (root dir) : i'll use <leader> + s + g
    { "<leader>:", false }, -- command history : i'll use <leader> + s + c
    { "<leader><space>", false }, -- Find files : i'll use <leader> + f + f
    { "<leader>,", false }, -- Switch buffer : Use <leader> + f + b