
Simplified ERP System with React

Primary LanguageJavaScript

ERP System


This project is a simplified interface for an ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system, designed to manage basic business operations efficiently. It includes features such as a dashboard, product management, and order management.

How to run the application

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone <repository-url>
  2. Navigate to the Project Directory:

    cd simplified_erp
  3. Install Dependencies:

    npm install
  4. Run the Application: Start the development server:

    npm start


    npm run start

Project Structure

This project follows a standard structure:

  • src/: Contains the source code for the project.
  • public/: Contains static assets.
  • package.json: Defines project dependencies and scripts.

React Libraries Used in This App

This application utilizes the following React libraries:

  • Material-UI: A popular React UI framework for building user interfaces with Material Design.
  • React Router: A routing library for React applications, enabling navigation between different components.
  • React Data Grid: A powerful grid component for displaying and interacting with data in tabular format.
  • React Apex Charts: A React wrapper for ApexCharts, which provides interactive charts for data visualization.
  • React Material Icons: A collection of Material Design icons as React components, easily integrable into your app.

Vite & usage

used Vite Plugin -@vitejs/plugin-react uses Babel for Fast Refresh It offers a fast development environment and efficient build process for React applications.This results in faster build times and improved performance.




The Dashboard page Include Side Bar for navigation to Products,Orders and Customer pages



Product page consist list of products with details such as id ,name, category, price, and stock quantity with functionalities to add, edit, and delete products.



Here you can add teh product.



Orders page consist of list of orders, including details like order ID, customer name, order date, and status, using which Allow viewing of order details, updating the order status, and deletion of orders.



Here you see the order details and can delete ,approve or reject the order.



This page is for order management of customers

Live Server Link : Click here to visit the live version of the app