SummAIze - Your Intelligent Content Companion 📚

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SummAIze is a Chrome extension that brings the power of AI-driven text summarization to your fingertips. Easily summarize text from articles, documents, and more, making information consumption faster and way more efficent.


Follow these simple steps to get started with SummAIze:

  1. Download and Extract: Download the repository as a zip file and extract it to a folder on your computer.

  2. Enable Developer Mode: Open Google Chrome and go to chrome://extensions/. Toggle on the "Developer mode" switch located on the top right corner.

  3. Load the Extension: Click on the "Load unpacked" button and select the folder where you extracted the extension files.

  4. Get Your API Key: Sign up for a free account on Rapid API and obtain your API key.

  5. Configure API Key: Open the popup.js file in the js folder. Locate the const API_KEY = "YOUR_API_KEY"; line and replace "YOUR_API_KEY" with your actual Rapid API key.

  6. Summarize with Ease: Whenever you come across a lengthy piece of text, click on the SummAIze extension icon in your Chrome browser to generate a concise summary.


  • 🚀 Quickly summarize text within your browser.
  • 🧠 Powered by advanced AI algorithms.
  • 🌐 Accessible across different websites and platforms.
  • ⚙️ Simple setup and easy-to-use interface.
  • 🆓 Free to use! Get your own Rapid API key and start summarizing.


Screenshot 1 Screenshot 2


We welcome contributions from the community! If you have any ideas, bug reports, or feature requests, please feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.