Do you have a knack for programming? Do Data Structures and Algorithms excite you? Well, you have come to the right place. This repository holds a collection of all the famous Data Structures and Algorithms you'd ever find.
As a part of Hacktoberfest 2019, you have a chance to contribute to this repository and get familiar with Open Source culture.
- Create an issue about the Data Structure/Algorithms or its application you'd like to implement.
- Wait for any of the maintainers to give you the green signal
- Code your heart out
- Create a pull request
- You're done!
- Decide with Algorithm/Data structure you want to work on that has not already been implemented
- Create an issue for it and wait for the maintainers to assign it to you
- Fork the repository
- Clone the forked repository
git clone<username>/Data-Structures-Algorithms-Hacktoberfest-2K19.git
- Create a new branch for working
git branch branch_name
and switch to the branchgit checkout branch_name
- Code!
- Save your changes
git add .
- Commit your code
git commit -m "Single line description of what you did"
- Push your code
git push origin branch_name
- Create a pull request. Mention which Algorithm/Data structure is implemented along with which issue it closes. Example
Implemented Floyd Warshall algorithm in Rust
Closes #2
- Wait for it to get merged!
- Follow the directory structure
Data Structures/<data structure>/<language>/<file>
Example:Data Structures/Linked List/cpp/linked_list.cpp
- Format/Indent the code properly
- Languages accepted: C, C++, Javascript, Java, Python, Rust, Haskell, Assembly (wish to code in another language? Update the README!)
- Language folder and file names should be lowercase.
- Documented code is preferred (don't forget the space and time complexity of your code!)
- Only 1 Data Structure/Algorithm per issue/pull request
- Every PR should mention which issue it closes
- PRs without issues/Spam PRs will be marked as
as it is against Hacktoberfest code of conduct.