About the project

The project was supposed to be replacement for this popular project. In this project don't work a youtube import and it didn't update for 6 years. So I decided make a remake. My project use MVVM pattern.

The following approches are not implemented in the project:

  • list of tracks
  • user settings window requires improvement
  • and in cs go music don't played.

So CS 2 will be released soon i decided freeze project and come back it later. Now I am doing another project. Those who wish can make pull requests and make this project better. If I will have enough time I will make some improvements.

Not implemented or does not work

  • List of tracks
  • User settings window requires improvement
  • In cs go music don't played (I think bug is on configs or file's paths)

How use

  1. Download ffmpeg and yt-dlp
  2. Put these exe files into SlamReborn/ffmpeg and SlamReborn/yt-dlp
  3. Start app
  4. Choose game
  5. Click start button
  6. In csgo console write exec slam

Thanks to these projects