
sqlite browser and run sql on file (csv and excel file) in command line

Primary LanguageHTML


sqlite browser and run sql on file (csv and excel file) in command line

1. sqlite browser

sqlgo ui


  • select db or create new db
  • view tables and schema
  • view sample data
  • edit sql, format sql and run sql
  • load data from file to table

2. run sql on file in command line

read data (csv or tsv) from stdin and process with sql

$ ./sqlgo-linux-amd64 -h

  -h, --help                  display help information
  -s, --sep[=   ]               column separator. default is \t
  -d, --database[=:memory:]   The path of database file. The file will be created when it does not exist.
                                To retain the db file, please provide a path, otherwise, the db in memory will be used.
  -t, --table                 Table define format '[tableName]:[colName1] coltype1,[colName2] coltype2 ...'.
                                Default table name is _t. Default col name is _num(num starts from 1).
                                Default col type is text.
  -e, --exec                 *SQL to be executed.


get max height, min height and average height in excel file. catexcel can print excel file to console

$ ./catexcel student_height.xlsx -s 0 | ./sqlgo-linux-amd64 -t "name text,height int" -e "select max(height),min(height),avg(height) from _t"
max(height)     min(height)     avg(height)
181     169     174.75

If the query is too complex, please use browser mode.The browser mode is convenient for editing SQL.



Cross compile (in Windows PowerShell)

$Env:GOOS = "darwin"; $Env:GOARCH = "amd64"; go build -o sqlgo-darwin-amd64
$Env:GOOS = "linux"; $Env:GOARCH = "amd64"; go build -o sqlgo-linux-amd64