
Lit Snippets for VS Code

MIT LicenseMIT

Outline snippets

Snippets for the Outline Design system. Extended from Lit Snippets to add Outline specific commands to speed up development.


  • Supports TypeScript with Lit 2.0


Includes all snippets from Lit Snippets as well as additional Outline specific commands for scaffolding components and stories


Trigger Snippet
outline template Create Outline subclass with styles and render function

Outline Story

Trigger Snippet
outline story Create Outline component Storybook story

Outline Testing

Trigger Snippet
outline test Create Outline component test

Element and Its Property Snippets

Trigger Snippet
litbase Create LitElement subclasss
lit template Create LitElement subclasss with styles and render fn
litprop Generate property
litquery Generate @query property
litqueryall Generate @queryall property
litrender Generate render function with lit-html
litstyles Generate styles static property
ctlit template Create @conectate/ct-lit subclasss with styles and render fn

Event Related Snippets

Trigger Snippet
addeventlistener Generate component's event listener
litfire | fire | litdispatchevent Generate dispatch of the event

Custom Element Lifecycle Callback Snippets

Trigger Snippet
connectedcallback Generate connectedCallback()
disconnectedcallback Generate disconnectedCallback()
adoptedcallback Generate adoptedCallback()
attributechangedcallback Generate attributechangedCallback(_,_,_)
observedattributes Generate static get observedAttributes() see Observing changes to attributes

Other Snippets

Trigger Snippet
importele Import other element


Install dependencies yarn install

To package extension locally yarn run package

Install package code --install-extension ./outline-snippets-<version number>.vsix

Uninstall package code --uninstall-extension ./outline-snippets-<version number>.vsix

Publish package yarn run dist


