Maintainer: Alessandro Fornasier
Lie++ is a header-only C++ library based on Eigen for Lie groups. It provides a set of classes and functions for working with common Lie groups encountered in robotics application.
Base groups | Applications |
SO(3) | Rotation |
SE(3) | Pose |
SE2(3) | Extended pose |
SEn(3) | SLAM |
SOT(3) | Rotation and scaling |
TG(3) | Inertial navigation with IMU bias |
SDB(3) | Inertial navigation with IMU bias |
This is a header-only C++ library meant to be used within other projects. Either copy the content of include
folder within the external project's include
folder or use cmake's FetchContent_Declare
as follows
GIT_TAG main
list(APPEND external LiePlusPlus)
list(APPEND libs LiePlusPlus Eigen3::Eigen)
Two mini examples on how to use the base groups of the library and how to compose them to create new groups
#include <groups/SEn.hpp>
int main(int argc, char **argv)
using SO3d = group::SO3<double>;
using SE23d = group::SEn3<double, 2>;
using Vector3d = Eigen::Matrix<double, 3, 1>;
using Vector9d = Eigen::Matrix<double, 9, 1>;
using Matrix9d = Eigen::Matrix<double, 9, 9>;
# Define random extended pose X via exponential map
Vector9d x = Vector9d::Random();
SE23d X = SE23d::exp(x);
# Define Extended pose Y with identity rotation, and given velocity and position
Vector3d p = Vector3d(1, 2, 3);
Vector3d v = Vector3d(0.1, 0.1, 0.3);
SO3d R = SO3d();
SE23d Y = SE23d(R, {v, p});
# Get extended pose composition Z = XY
SE23d Z = X*Y;
# print Z as matrix
std::cout << Z.asMatrix() << std::endl;
# print Rotational component of Z as quaternion, position and velocity
std::cout << Z.q() << '\n' << Z.p() << '\n'<< Z.v() << '\n' std::endl;
# get Adjoint matrix of SE23
Matrix9d AdZ = Z.Adjoint();
#include <groups/SEn.hpp>
* @brief Composition of SO(3) and SE(3) via direct product
template <typename FPType>
class ComposedGroup
using SO3 = group::SO3<FPType>;
using SE3 = group::SEn3<FPType, 1>;
using Vector3 = Eigen::Matrix<FPType, 3, 1>;
using Vector6 = Eigen::Matrix<FPType, 6, 1>;
using Vector9 = Eigen::Matrix<FPType, 9, 1>;
ComposedGroup() : C_(), P_() {};
ComposedGroup(const SO3& C, const SE3& P) : C_(C), P_(P) {};
// other constructors ...
[[nodiscard]] static const ComposedGroup exp(const Vector9& u)
return ComposedGroup(SO3::exp(u.template block<3, 1>(0, 0)), SE3::exp(u.template block<6, 1>(3, 0)));
[[nodiscard]] static const Vector9 log(const ComposedGroup& X)
Vector6 u = Vector9::Zero();
u.template block<3, 1>(0, 0) = SO3::log(X.C_);
u.template block<6, 1>(3, 0) = SE3::log(X.P_);
return u;
[[nodiscard]] const ComposedGroup operator*(const ComposedGroup& other) const
return ComposedGroup(C_ * other.C_, P_ * other.P_);
// other methods ...
SO3 C_;
SE3 P_;
This code was written within the Control of Networked System (CNS), University of Klagenfurt.
This software is made available to the public to use (source-available), licensed under the terms of the BSD-2-Clause-License with no commercial use allowed, the full terms of which are made available in the LICENSE
file. No license in patents is granted.
If you use this software in an academic research setting, please cite the corresponding paper.
title={Equivariant Symmetries for Inertial Navigation Systems},
author={Fornasier, Alessandro and Ge, Yixiao and van Goor, Pieter and Mahony, Robert and Weiss, Stephan},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.03765},