
Kirinoha-桐の葉: A class search system for students in University of Tsukuba

Primary LanguageRuby

Kirinoha - 桐の葉

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What is Kirinoha

Kirinoha is UNOFFICIAL Course Search System for students at University of Tsukuba.

More Information

This article describes about kirinoha.

For Use

Kirinoha is available on here.

I use heroku for production enviroment.

Query Field

  • title

Title stands for the title of a course.

You can use by

title: プログラミング演習

  • code

Code indicates the course number (科目番号).

You can use by

code: GE3


code: GE31053

  • credits

Credits indicate a number of credits (単位数) of a course.

You can use by

credits: 3


credits > 3

  • terms

Terms indicates when a course is open.

You can use by

terms: 春A

  • daytimes

Daytimes indicate times when course is open more speccifically

You can use by

daytimes: 月5

  • instructors

Instructors show you a list of lecturers.

You can use by

instructors: 照井

  • location

Location tells you a place where course is open.

You can use by

location: 7A

  • info

Info describes a course.

You can use by

info: ラムダ計算