
Shurli App

Primary LanguageCSSMIT LicenseMIT


Shurli App - alpha version

⚠️ This is in alpha phase right now so please expect breaking changes.


To build an independent GUI application that works with existing supported wallets to make sub-atomic trades.

Currently supported

  • Komodod
  • Komodo-ocean-qt
  • Verus-desktop

Code of conduct

  • While reporting issues, please report all the debug data at Shurli Issues.


- Go v1.14+
- Git
- Komodo Daemon (dev branch compiled from http://github.com/jl777/komodo.git)

Install Git, Komodo and Subatomic binaries

Follow this instruction guide and install Komodo and subatomic binaries on your system: https://gist.github.com/himu007/add3181427bb53ab5dc5160537f0c238

Windows Komodo and Subatomic binaries

At this stage, the required subatomic related API is only available via jl777's copy of komodo source code. So, you can either cross-compile the windows binaries and use those on your windows machine or you can try the debug komodo binaries we used in our development environment, which are available here: https://github.com/Meshbits/komodo/releases/tag/debug_release

It's best to not use these binaries for big amount of funds. Just use the linked komodod to start DEX blockchain which provides the required DEXP2P API. You can use other GUI wallets as usual for other subatomic supported cryptocurrencies.

Install Go on your system

On Ubuntu can follow this guide: https://github.com/golang/go/wiki/Ubuntu

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:longsleep/golang-backports
sudo apt update
sudo apt install golang-go

On Mac can install Go using brew.

brew update
brew install go

Installing Shurli App

In Linux/Mac you must have a go directory under your $HOME directory in your OS. If you don't find this directory then create the following:

mkdir -p $HOME/go/{bin,src,pkg}
go get -u github.com/Meshbits/shurli

Configure config.json with absolute path of subatomic binary

You must configure the config.json file with full path where subatomic file is located. For example if you have compiled and installed Komodo and subatomic as per the guide link provided earlier, you probably has the komodo compiled in your $HOME/komodo location.

Make a copy of config.json file from config.json.sample file:

cd $HOME/go/src/github.com/Meshbits/shurli
cp config.json.sample config.json

Open config.json in text editor and edit value of only subatomic_dir key.

To get the full path of your komodo directory cd to komodo directory and issue pwd command to get full path. Example:

cd $HOME/komodo/src

It will give full path for example like this:


Replace the path you get from this output in config.json file.


"subatomic_dir": "/Users/satinder/repositories/jl777/komodo/src"


"subatomic_dir": "/home/satinder/komodo/src"

For Windows, make sure to use the following format for setting up subatomic_dir path:

"subatomic_dir": "C:/Users/satinder/kmdsub"

Note that it's not backslash \ but forward slash / for the path. If the format of this path would be incorrect, Shurli will have issue locating the subatomic binary on your machine.

Configure DEX blockchain's parameters in config.json file

You MUST update value of dex_pubkey, dex_handle, dex_recvzaddr, dex_recvtaddr in your config.json file before starting Shurli application.

  • dex_recvtaddr: is your KMD's public address. The address which starts with letter R.
  • dex_pubkey: is pubkey of your KMD's public key. You can it from the your KMD wallet application.
  • dex_recvzaddr: is the PIRATE's private address. The address which starts with letter z.
  • dex_handle: it is very much like a unique username you want to use on Subatomic swaps. It will show to other traders when they will see your orders in orderbook. Your handle must with without space between letters.
    "dex_nSPV": "1",
    "dex_addnode": "",
    "dex_pubkey": "03_YOUR_PUBKEY_FROM_DEX",
    "dex_handle": "SET_YOUR_HANDLE_FOR_SUBATOMIC",
    "dex_recvzaddr": "YOUR_PIRATE_PRIVATE_ADDRRESS",
    "dex_recvtaddr": "YOUR_KMD_PUBLIC_ADDRRESS"

Build Shurli application

cd $HOME/go/src/github.com/Meshbits/shurli

Start Shurli App

The build command will make a system executable binary named "shurli". To start Shurli execute the following command:

./shurli start

It will start Shurli in daemon mode, leaving Shurli running in background.

Now open http://localhost:8080

Stop Shurli App

To stop Shurli you have to execute the stop command. Otherwise it will keep running in background. Stop with following command:

cd $HOME/go/src/github.com/Meshbits/shurli
./shurli stop

Shurli logs

If starting Shurli as daemon using ./shurli start command, it will not show any logs on cosole output. To view the logs you can check shurli.log file in Shurli directory. Following example command on Linux/OSX will show updated prints being pushed to shurli.log file:

cd $HOME/go/src/github.com/Meshbits/shurli
tail -f shurli.log

And Windows users can use the following command in PowerShell to check live shurli logs:

Get-Content .\shurli.log -Wait

you can press CTRL+C to cancel tail or Get-Content command's output.

Making a release build

Release builds can be made cross platform. Means you can build Mac OS build on Linux, and Linux builds on Mac OS, thanks to Go's cross-compilation capabilities.

Linux build

To make Linux distributable build execute the following command:

cd $HOME/go/src/github.com/Meshbits/shurli
make build-linux

After this command you'll find a directory dist/dist_unix in $HOME/go/src/github.com/Meshbits/shurli/. All the required files for Shurli would be in dist/dist_unix. You can renamed or moved dist_unix to anywhere on the machine. Or make a zip or tar.gz archive of it to distribute.

Mac OS build

To make Mac OS distributable build execute the following command:

cd $HOME/go/src/github.com/Meshbits/shurli
make build-osx

Smiliar to Linux build, for Mac OS you'll find dist/dist_osx in $HOME/go/src/github.com/Meshbits/shurli/. You can rename, move or archive the dist_osx and distribute.

Windows build

To make Windows distributable build execute the following command:

cd %USERPROFILE%\go\src\github.com\Meshbits\shurli
make build-win

You'll find the windows build files in dist/dist_win.

Clean build

To clean all compiled files execute the following command:

cd $HOME/go/src/github.com/Meshbits/shurli
make clean

It will delete all dist and binary files the build commands created.