
A Redis Farm Manager

Primary LanguageJavaScript

ParaNoidz Redis Manager

A Redis farm manager, can multi monitor and manipulate redis server.


  • Pure Javascript,based on Chrome and node.js


  • node.js 0.8.x >=
  • Redis 2.6.x >=


  • Chrome 27 >=



global.I_ABS_PATH = '/home/ila/project/prm/server/node_modules/i'; // ParaNoidz I Framework Path
global.APP_ABS_PATH = '/home/ila/project/prm/server'; // Server Path
global.STA_ABS_PATH = '/home/ila/project/prm/client'; // Client Path


exports.env = {
    WEB: {
        PORT: '8082', // Web port
    RDB: {
        ENABLED: true,
        HOST: '',
        PORT: '6379',


var env = {
    APP: {
        NAME: 'prm',
        // 3: 'ERR', 4: 'WARNING', 5: 'NOTICE', 6: 'INFO', 7: 'DEBUG',
        LOG_LEVEL: 7,
    JADE: {
        URI: '../../tpl/',
    IDB: { // IndexedDB
        ENABLED: true,
        NAME: 'prm',
        VERSION: 2,
        SYNC_INTERVAL: 10000, // timer which will sync data to IndexedDB
    WS: { // WebSocket
        ENABLED: true,
        URL: 'ws://' + window.location.host + '/',
        PROTOCOL: 'prm',
        AUTO_RECONNECT_INTERVAL: 800, // 0 is off
    MGR: { // APP
        COLUMN: 5, // how many manager windows in one line

        MONITOR_MAX_LOG: 500, // monitor can display how many logs
        MONITOR_FILTER_INFO: true, // whether monitor filter redis command INFO, because node_redis will sent INFO periodically for testint connection is correct, but it's annoying.

        COMMANDER_MAX_LOG: 1000, // commander can display how many logs


Start server

node run.js

Enter to Chrome

