
collection of dead-end websites for Please

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Please Websites

This is a git hosted directory, all files within the "creation-files/" folder of each website folder will be ignored from git to reduce clutter.


  • General
    • Make a favicon for all websites
  • meatgravy
    • add analytics
  • fuckingsarkis
  • genesname
    • add analytics
  • philorpeter
    • add analytics
  • frenchfryangle
  • parallelograndma
  • parallelogrammy
  • texmexagons
    • add analytics
  • mexagons
    • add analytics
  • auntcolony
    • add analytics
    • finish js
    • format
  • heatedmammories
    • edit together content (brendan)
  • chaffedorgangster
    • edit together content (brendan)
  • toomuchspaghetti
    • edit together content (brendan)
  • notenoughspaghetti
    • edit together content (brendan)
  • teenagemutantninjahurdles
    • add analytics
  • menacingminstrel
    • add analytics
  • praisecod

Instructions for Hosting on AWS

  • create bucket with format: please-[website-domain]-public
  • turn off all Permissions>Block Public Access
  • add new Permissions>Bucket Policy
   "Version": "2012-10-17",
   "Statement": [
           "Sid": "PublicRead",
           "Effect": "Allow",
           "Principal": "*",
           "Action": "s3:GetObject",
           "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::please-[website-domain]-public/*"
  • turn on Static website hosting
  • create Hosted Zone in Route 53 with name of domain
  • add nameservers from Route 53 to domain handler (Godaddy) for that domain
  • create certificate in Certificate Manager with name of domain
  • validate domain via Domain>Create record in Route 53 function
  • make a new CloudFront Distribution with the Origin Domain Name = URL from Static website hosting, Redirect HTTP to HTTPS, Alternate Domain Names (CNAMEs) = [website-domain], Custom SSL Certificate = certificate from Certificate Manager
  • add new alias record to domain on Route 53 with the target link pointing to the CloudFront Distribution URL
  • test it!