
Nothing updated

Berkmann18 opened this issue ยท 13 comments

I installed the package as a global one and followed the README, so I created a token with full repo access, I created all my labels but I can't find those labels nor do they appear in my labels when I go into a public repo.

Did I miss something or is this package not meant to work that way?

I typically get this to work on most of my repos. However, I have run into a few where it does not work, and I can't seem to figure out the pattern for why it doesn't.

+1 does not seem to be working.
I get Successfully created 31 labels put nothing happened.
Also tried removing all existing labels and did not work.
I got it to successfully work on one repo but doesn't work on others.

Im wondering if its becasue existing issues are open?

@GregTheGreek Perhaps, but I've used websites which allowed users to copy-paste/edit/delete labels even when existing issues were opened.

@Berkmann18 I just confirmed that open issues are not the problem. Although i found this bug #94

@Berkmann18 I found a weird behaviour.

If you have renamed your repo, and have not updated the remote on your project locally it won't allow it to work.

Hum, that's interesting...

I am having the same problem... Nothing actually got created.


I made a PR to fix the endpoint https://github.com/himynameisdave/git-labelmaker/pull/96

@MoisesFlores22 If so you should add "Close"/"Fix"/... #90

my issues was with sso of my token, but we need someway to check the answer is given by the api

There's an issue in git-label that means any errors when creating the labels (e.g. already existing label or the token doesn't have the correct permissions etc.) don't get returned so the "successfully created" message gets displayed even though the request failed.

There's a PR in the git-label library here: jasonbellamy/git-label#18.

I see, hopefully that gets merged and solves the issue.