
App to manage data for Splunkt iOS app

Primary LanguageHTML

Splunkt App for Splunk

A Splunk App to manage data for Splunkt iOS and Android apps

You can download the latest version of the mobile app for your device.

Find out more about this project here.

Linked Repos

iOS app code

Android app code

Public site


  • data visualisation layer to track event metrics (i.e tshirts sizes / slogans given away, use-cases discussed, competition, and more...)
  • admin control panel allowing users to add or amend the variables that populate the app (events, tshirt slogans, tshirt sizes, use cases, competition, & roducts)

Feature requests go here.


Splunkt App for Splunk Architecture

Note, SFDC integration is not currently configured.

Splunk components


This app contains one index. Data arrives in index as a JSON document on port 8089.

  1. [splunkevents] - This stores lead data collected from mobile app data by Splunk event staff.

KV Collections

This app contains five KV Collections all used to set variables for Splunkt iOS app.

Data entered into KV Collections on "Admin Control Panel" in GUI by Splunk marketing staff.

Data queried by Splunkt iOS app on port 8098.

  1. [eventcollection] - stores event data: _key, addEventName, addEventId, addEventCity, addEventCountry, addEventClass, addEventOrganiserEmail, addEventStartDay, addEventStartMonth, addEventStartYear, addEventEndDay, addEventEndMonth, addEventEndYear
  2. [shirtslogancollection] - stores shirt slogan data: _key, addShirtSlogan
  3. [shirtsizecollection] - stores shirt size data: _key, addShirtSize
  4. [usecasecollection] - stores use case data: _key, addUseCase
  5. [competitioncollection] - stores competition data: _key, addCompetition


Admin control panel

Splunkt App Event Management Dashboard

The admin control panel gives the ability for user to add or delete:

  1. Events
  2. Shirt Slogans
  3. Shirt Sizes
  4. Use Cases
  5. Competitors

Lead stats

Splunkt App Lead Stats Dashboard

Visualises information about leads we've spoken to.

Shirt stats

Splunkt App Shirt Stats Dashboard

Visualises information about shirts we've given away.