
Configuration files for my working set

Primary LanguageVim Script

dotfiles: Configuration files for my working set

I manage my vim/bash configs in separate directory ~/dotfiles.

bash directory contains my my .bashrc, .bash_aliases etc. bin - not same as ~/bin, contains scripts I use on day to day basis. desktop contains contains configurations exported from my Ubuntu desktop apps(e.g. my compiz-unity profile).

Everything needs to be soft linked to the relevant locations from here as shown by following commands:

rm -rf ~/.vim; ln -s ~/dotfiles/vim ~/.vim;

rm -rf ~/.vimrc; ln -s ~/dotfiles/vim/vimrc ~/.vimrc;

rm -rf ~/.bashrc; ln -s ~/dotfiles/bash/bashrc ~/.bashrc;

rm -rf ~/.bash_aliases; ln -s ~/dotfiles/bash/aliases ~/.bash_aliases;

rm -rf ~/.conky; ln -s ~/dotfiles/desktop/conky ~/.conky;

rm -rf ~/.conkyrc; ln -s ~/dotfiles/desktop/conky/conkyrc ~/.conkyrc;

rm -rf ~/screenrci; rm -rf ~/.screenrc; ln -s ~/dotfiles/desktop/screenrc ~/.screenrc;

After this, goto dotfiles folder and run following command

git submodule init && git submodule update

The above command will update all the vim plugins and use them .

PS: Inspired from following post: http://mirnazim.org/writings/vim-plugins-i-use/